Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/655

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INDEX This index covers only the text. To find the bibliography for a given author observe the chapter in which his name occurs and then consult the proper section in the Bibliographies. Abbott, Jacob, 207, 213, 399, 400, 404, 405, 406 John, 404 family, the, 197 Abdy, Matthew, 149 About, 384 Abraham Lincoln, 276, 286 Abridgment of the Debates of Congress from 1JS7 to 1856, 90 Acceptation, 309 Across the Continent, 379 Adams, Charles Francis, no John, 93 n., 164, 181, 183 John Quincy, 71, 88-9, 116, 119, 162, 241 Phineas, 162 William T., 403 Addison, 22, 148, 234, 332, 348, 349, 368 Ad Spem, 123 Vatem, 53 Adventures of Captain Simon Suggs, 153 of Three Worthies, The, 388 Advertiser (Boston), 226 ^schylus, 2, 3, 259 After All, 286 Aftermath, 39 Agassiz, 252, 253, 276 Agassiz, 247 Al Aaraaf, 57, 66, 68 Alcott, Amos Bronson, 16, 17, 20, 21, 24, 28, 165, 267 Louisa M., 402, 403, 407 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 242, 278, 281, 376, 377. 381, 384 »•. 385, 386, 401, 405 Alexander, Archibald, 208, 219 James W., 208 JohnW., 331 Joseph A., 208 Alger, Horatio, Jr., 403, 404 Alice of Monmouth, 276 AUan, John, 55, 56, 57 Mrs. John, 57 Allen, James Lane, 388, 390 All Quiet Along the Potomac, 303 AUston, Washington, 207 Amadis de Gaula, 128 Amaranth, The, 174, 369 Amber Gods, The, 373, 385 A merica, 226 American Annals, 108 Anthology, 304 Apollo, The, 161 Archives, The, 120, 121, 122 Biography, 1 14 Historical Review, 75 n. Literary Criticism, 63 re. • Magazine, The, 161 Moral and Sentimental Magazine, The, 161 ■ Museum or Repository of Ancient and Modern Fugitive Pieces, Prose and Poetical, The, 161 Quarterly Review, The, 163 Scholar, The, 20, 265 • Stationers' Company, 127 Universal Magazine, The, i6i War Ballads, 304 Amherst College, 214 Among My Books, 247 Amory, Susan, 124 Amy Wentworth, 48 Anacreon, 3, 9 Analogy (Butler), 197 Andover Review, The, 208 Seminary, 208, 210 Andrew, Jane, 405 Angel of the Church, The, 308 Angels of Buena Vista, The, 48 Annabel Lee, 60, 66, 67 Annals of America, 225 ■ of Quodlibet, 152 of the American Revolution, 115 Anne, Queen of England, 348 Annie Laurie, 275, 298 Annual Register, The, 104, 105 Antiquities of the Southern Indians, Particularly of the Georgia Tribes, 317 Appeal to Pharaoh, An, 325 Apple Pie and Cheese, 243 Appleton, Frances Elizabeth, 36 Arabian Nights, 260 Argonaut, The, 387 639