Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/656

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640 Index Argus, The (Croswell, E.), 183 of Western America, The (Ken- dall, G. W.), 184 Aristotle, 197, 320 Arme Heinrich, Der, 39 Arnold, George, 242 Matthew, 203, 245, 253, 254 " Artemus Ward. " See Browne, C. P. Arthur, Chester A., no Ascham, Roger, 124 Ashby, Turner, 305, 306 Ashes of Glory, 309 Aspern Papers, The, 376 Asircea at the Capital, 283 Astronomy and General Physics Con- sidered with Reference to Natural Theology, 221 As You Ltke It, 12 At Close Range, 392 At Fredericksburg, 281 Atlanta Constitution, The, 321-2, 350 Atlantic Magazine, The, 167 Monthly, The, 47, 165, 169, 228, 247, 331, 369 n., fji, 372, 373, 375, 378, 379. 385, 388, 401 Souvenir, The, 171, 173 At Sundown, 46, 228 Attack, The, 282 At the Sign of the Ship, 356 n. At Timrod's Grave, 326 Auf Wiedersehen, 242 Aurora, The, 181 Austin, William, 150 "Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, The" (New England Magazine), 165 Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, The, 225, 228, 233, 234, 235 Axe to Grind, The, 215 Bakhuysen van der Brink, R. C., 138, 139 Bache, B. F., 181 Backward Glance O'er TraveVd Roads, .4,272 Bacon, Delia, 57 n. Lord, 124, 234, 236 Bagby, George W., 153, 316, 318, 320 Balaam and his Master, 388 Baldwin, Joseph Glover, 154 Ballad of New Orleans, The, 278, 282 of Trees and the Master, 344 Ballads (Longfellow), 63 and Other Poems, 36 Ballou, Rev. Hosea, 207 Hosea 2d, 207 n. Balzac, 18, 136, 233 Bancroft, George, 1 10-12, 122, 125, 130. 133. 164. 168, 317 Banner (Nashville), 184 Bannockburn, 298 Barbara Frietchie, 51, 281 Barbauld, Mrs., 397, 400 Barclay of Ury, 48 Barefoot Boy, The, 50 Barefooted Boys, 307 Barlow, Joel, 150, 207 Barnaby Rudge, 63 Barneveld, John of, 144, 145, 146, 147 Barrow, Washington, 184 Baskervill, W. M., 304 Bassett, John S., 122 n. Battle Cry of Freedom, The, 285 of the South, 305 Hymn of the Republic, The, 285, 303 — — • in the Clouds, The, 284 of Charleston Harbor, The, 293 of Charlestown, The, 279 of Lookout Mountain, The, 278, 284 of the Kegs, 150 Pieces and Aspects of the War, 279 Bay Fight, The, 278, 285 Bayou Folks, 390 Bazalgette, Leon, 263 n. Beat, Beat Drums, 303 Beauregard, Gen., 296 Bee, 368 Beechenbrook, 290 Beecher, H. W., 197, 202, 211, 213-219 Lyman, 213 family, the, 197 Beers, Mrs. Ethelinda (Ethel Lynn), 280, 303 Before the Curfew, 228 Before Vicksburg, 284 Belfast Address, 221 Belfry of Bruges and Other Poems, The, 37 Belknap, Jeremy, 106, 113, 114, 115 Belknap Papers, The, 107 n. Bellamy, David, 197 Bells, The, 60, 65 Benjamin, Park, 134, 167 Wm. E., 264 n. Bennett, James Gordon, 185, 186, 189, 190, 193 John, 405 Benton, T. H., 71, 89-90 Berkeley, Bishop, 196 Berkshire Medical College, 219 Bemaldez, Andres, 126 Bethel, 280 Betty Leicester, 402 Beyond the Potomac, 306 Bible, 210, 349 Bierce, Ambrose, 386-7 Bigelow, John, 143, 144 Biglow Papers, The, 151, 246, 247, 251, 276, 280, 287, 362, 364 Bill and Joe, 239 "Bill Arp." See Smith, C. H. " — — to Abe Linkhorn," 153 ^ Binns, H. B., 263 n. Bismarck, Count, 133, 142 Bivouac of the Dead, The, 290 Black Regiment, The, 278, 284 Blackstone, 77 Blair, Frank P., 116, 117, 120, 183 Blair (Rhetoric), 124