Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/657

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Index 641 Blake, H. G. O., 8 William, 266 Blanc, Madame, 271 Blithedale Romance, The, 18, 21, 29, 406 Blok, P. J., 146 Blood-money, 266 n. Blue and the Gray, The, 286, 303-4 Boker, George H., 167, 278, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284 Bon-Bon, 67 Boner, J. H., 330 Bonnie Blue Flag, The, 291, 292 Book of Ruth, The, 367 Book of Sonnets, A, 40 Borderers, The, 38 Borough, The, 50 Boston Book, The, 174 Courier, The, 246 Hymn, 283 Post, The, 155, Quarterly Review, The, 166, 168 Review, The, 162 n. Boutwell, George S., 135 Bowditch, Nathaniel, 164 Bowdoin College, 19, 32, 33, 40, 151, 209 Bowles, Samuel, 189, 190, 191, 379 Boy Brittan, 281 Emigrants, 405 Boy's Froissart, The, 339 King Arthur, The, 339 Brackenridge, H. M., 106 Bradbury, William B., 285 Bradford, William, no Bradstreet, Anne, 225 n. Bradstreet, Simon, 225 Brainerd, David, 198 Bransby, Rev. John, 55 Brave at Home, The, 286 Brawley, Benjamin G., 351 n. Breakfast-Table Series, 230, 235 Brenton, James J., 261 Bridge, The, 41 Bridge, Horatio, 19, 21 Brier Wood Pipe, The, 286 Brigade Must Not Know, Sir, The, 307 Briggs, C. F., 61, 167, 249, 250, 251 Bristol, Augusta Cooper, 286 British Empire in America, 107 Broadway Journal, The, 59, 61 Brock, Sallie A., 301 Brook Farm, 14, 20, 21, Brookfields, the (friends of Thack- eray), 232 Brooklyn Eagle, The, 262 n., 263, 264, 270 Fr-eman, 264 Brooklyniana, 269 Brooklyn Standard, 26^ Union, 270 Brooks, Elbridge, 404 Noah, 400, 405 Broomstick Train, The, 237 Brotherhood, 328 Brother Jonathan, 187 VOL. II. — 41 Brother Jonathan's Lament for Sister Caroline, 279 Brown, Alice, 390 Charles Brockden, 162 John, 6, 279 Browne, Charles Farrar, 157, 158, 159 Francis F., 303, 304 Sir Thomas, 124, 349 Brownell, Henry Howard, 277-78, 279, 281, 282, 284, 285 Brownie books, 408 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 252 Robert, 137, 245 Brown of Ossawatomie, 279 Brownson, Rev. Orestes A., 166 Brownson's Quarterly Review, 166 Brown University, 2ig Bruns, J. D., 308, 309, '311 Bryant, William CuUen, 40, 65, 164, 167, 173, 174, 241, 266, 268, 275, 280, 303 Bryant's minstrels, 291 Buchanan, Robert, 271 Bucke, R. M., 272 Buckminster, Rev. Joseph, 206 Rev. Joseph Stevens, 197, 207 Buflon, 201 n. Bugle Echoes, 303 Building Eras in Religion) 213 of the Ship, The, 39 Bulletin Universel, 209 Bunner, Henry Cuyler, 242, 243-4, 37^< 385. 386, 388 Bunyan, John, 18 Burk, John D., 106 Burke, .^danus, 180 Edmund, 96, 99, 104, 203 — — William, 56 Bums, Robert, 44, 50, 353 Burns, 45 Burr, Aaron, 200 Burroughs, John, 236, 262 »., 271 Burton, W. E., 59 Burton's Gentleman's Magazine, 59, 63, 68 Bury Them, 284 Bushnell, Horace, 207, 211-13 Butler, Joseph, 196 Butterworth, Hezekiah, 404, 409 Byers, S. H. M., 284 Byrd, William, 149 Byron, 3, 33, 45, 57, 66, 99, 237 By the Potomac^ 281 Cabet, Etietme, 188 Cable, George W., 351, 359, 360, 365, 379. 380, 383-84. 390 Calamus, 268, 271 Calhoun, J. C, 70, 71, 78-84. 85, 86, 93 n., 319, 320 California, University of, 212 Call to True Men, A, 280 Callender, J. T., 181 Calvin, 197 Campbell, Thos., 237