Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/666

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650 Index 300. Loyal, 306 Lucas, D. B., 300, 302, 309 Ltick of Roaring Camp, The, 377, 378, 379. 380, 381, 384 Lucy books, 400 Lydgate, 3 Lyon, Mathew, 181 Lyra Elegantiarum, 239 Lyrics of a Day, 278 Lyrics of Lowly Life, 351, 351 n. Mabel Martin, 48 Mably, G. Bonnet de, 127 Macaulay, 95, 209, 317 McCabe, William Gordon, 291, 303,311 McCarthy, Harry, 291, 292 McClure's Magazine, 394 McConnel, John Ludlum, 155 McCosh, James, 208, 219 McClellan, Gen., 280, 281 "McCrackin, George," 144 McCulloch vs. Maryland, 75, 93 n. McFingal, 150 McKinley, C, 325-26, 330, 331 Madame Celestin's Divorce, 391 Madame Delphine, 384, 385 Made in France; French Tales with a U. S. Twist, 386 Madison, James, 180 Madisonian, The, 183 Maeterlinck, 22 Magazine of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge, The, 165 MagnoUa, The, 175 Mahon, Lord, 118 Maidenhood, 36 Main-Travelled Roads, 388, 390 Maitland, F. W., 130 Main Street, 22 Major Jones's Courtship, 153, 348 Malmesbury, Earl of, 141 Malvern HUl, 281 Manly, Louise, 304 Mann, Horace, 320 Man Without a Country, The, 374 Marais du Cygne, Le, 51 Marble Faun, The, 21, 30 Marbury vs. Madison, 73-4 Marching Along, 285 Marching Through Georgia, 284, 285 March to Moscow, 305 Marcy, W. L., 120 Mdrchen und Sagen der afrikanischen Neger, 357 n. Marginaha (Poe), 63 Marion, General, 306, 308 Marjorie Daw, 385 "Mark Twain." See Clemens, S. L. Marse Chan, 389 Marshall, John, 71, 72-76; 77, 84, 88, 104, 105 Marshes of Glynn, 345 Maryland Gazette, The, 178 Mary Had a Little Lamb, 408 Mason, Emily V., 300, 305 J. M., 280 Masonic Token, The, 170 Masque of Pandora, and Other Poems, The, 40 Masque of the Red Death, The, 68 Massachusetts Historical Society, 114 Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., 107 Massachusetts Magazine, The, 162 n. Massachusetts Quarterly Review, The, 166 Massachusetts Spy, The, 178, 180 Master Skylark, 405 Mather, Cotton, 150, 204, 206, 396 Mathews, Cornelius, 152 Matthews, Brander, 388 Maud Muller, 48 Maupassant, 385, 386 Maurice of Nassau, 145, 147 Maximilian, 143, 145 Mayflower, The, 175 Mayhew, Jonathan, 206 May-Pole of Merry Mount, The, 23 Meadow Grass, 390 Medley, The, 161 Meek, A. B., 288, 298, 311 Mellonta Tauta, 67 Melville, Herman, 279, 281, 282, 284, 285 Memorials of a Southern Planter, 314 Men and Women, 137 Mendelssohn, 224 Menu, Laws of, 9 Mercury (Charleston), 296 Mercury (Newport), 178 Meredith, George, 18 William Tuckey, 285 M^rim^e, 384 Merry Christmas, 4, 381 Merry Mount, 134, 135, 136 Merwin, Henry Childs, 362 n. Michael Angelo, 37 Middle Group of American Historians, 104 n., 122 n. Miles, G. H., 305 " Miles O'Reilly. " See Halpine, C. G. Miles Standish, 39 Milk for Babes, drawn out of the Breast, of both Testaments, 396 Milman, Dean, 128 Milton, 3, 63, 124, 254, 399 Minerva, 180 Mingo and Other Sketches, 389 Minister's Wooing, The, 200 Minor, Benjamin Blake, 169 Minot, George Richards, 106 Mirror (N. Y.), 151, 152, 164, 187 Miss Lucinda, 373 Miss Tempy's Watchers, 383 "Mr. Dooley," 151 Mr. Higginbotham' s Catastrophe, 23 Mr. Hosea Biglow to the Editor of The Atlantic Monthly, 287 Mr. Rabbit at Home, 350 Mitchell, D. G., 167