Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/667

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Index 651 Mitchell, S. Weir, 242, 282, 285 Modern English Grammar, 365 Mogg Megone, 46 Mokfere, 234 Moll Flanders, 396 Moll Pitcher, 345 Monroe, James, 119 Monsieur Matte, 390 Montaigne, 229, 234, 236, 258 Montcalm, 11 Montesquieu, 126 Monthly Anthology, The, 162, 162 n., 163 Monthly Magazine and American Re- view, The, 161 Moore, Clement C, 408 Frank, 298, 299 Thomas, 57, 66, 230 . Moral Uses of Dark Things, 213 More, Hannah, 367, 397, 399 Morgan, Gen. J. H., 306 Morituri Salutamus, 40 Morris, George P., 152 Wm., 245, 254 Morse, Jedidiah, 115 S. F. B., 174 Mortal Antipathy, A, 228, 233 Morton's Hope, 134, 145 "Moses Adams. " 5ee Bagby, George W. Mosses from an Old Manse, 20 Mother Goose, 397, 408 Motley, John Lathrop, 129, 130, 131- 47. 228, 230, 231 Mary Benjamin, 134, 146 Motley Book, The, 152 Moultrie, General William, 104, 105 Mountain of the Lovers and Other Poems, 311 Mourner d. la Mode, The, 243 Muhlenberg family, the, 197 Mimroe & Co., 9 Murfree, Mary N., 360, 365, 379, 383, 388, 389, 390, 391 Murray, Lindley, 124 My Double and how he Undid Me, 374 My Friend Bingham, 375 My Maryland, 295, 296, 303, 304, 308, 309 My Old Kentucky Home, 353 My Springs, 345 My Study Windows, 247 My Wife and Child, 290, 299 Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, The, 58 Nation, The, 187 National Era, The, 47 National Gazette, 181 National Intelligencer, The (1800), 183 National Intelligencer, The (1841), 183 National Journal, The, 119 National Magazine, The, 161 National Ode, 279 Native of Winby, A, 383 Natural History of Selhorne, 201 Nature (Emerson), 20 Nature and the Supernatural, 213 Neal, Joseph Clay, 152 Negative Gravity, 386 Negro in Literature and Art, The, 351 n. Negro in Southern Literature Since the War, The, 351 n. Nelson family, the, 306 Newbery, John, 396 Newell, R. H., 156 New England Girlhood, A, 399 New England Magazine, The, 19, 165 New England Nun, A, 390 New England Primer, 396 New England Review, The, 45 New England's Annoyances, 148 New England's Rareties, 149 New England Tragedies, The, 37, 39 New Essays towards a Critical Method, 63 n., 66 n. News and Courier (Charleston), 325 News Letter, 387 New South, The, 322 New World, The, 187 New Year's Day, 1848, 266 n. New Yorker, 187, 191 New York Literary Gkzette, The, 167 New York Review and Athenmum Magazine, The, 58, 167 Nicholson, Meredith, 364 "». "Nick Carter," 403 Nietzsche, 22 Nights with Uncle Remus: Myths and Legends of the Old Plantation, 350, 354 «-. 358 Niles, H., 188 Nilsson, Christine, 335 Noah, M. M., 183 Noel, Roden, 271 Norfolk Landmark, The, 318 Norris, Frank, 390 North American Review, The, 33-4, 109, III, 116, 117, 125, 135, 135 «., 140, 163, 164, 165, 169, 209, 247, 401, 406 Norton, Andrews, 197, 207, 208, 209-11 ■ Charles Eliot, 39, 197, 247, 401 — — Rev. John, 209 Norwood or Village Life in New Eng- land, 217 Notes on the Situation, 318 Notes on Virginia, 201 Notes on Walt Whitman as Poet and Person, 262 n. Nothing to Wear, 241 Nott, Henry Junius, 152 Novellettes of a Traveller, or. Odds and Ends from the Knapsack of Thomas Singularity, Journeyman Printer, 152 November Boughs, 272 Oath of Freedom, 305 O'Brien, Fitz- James, 373-74. 375 Captain/ My Captain I 286