Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/669

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Index 653 Pioneer Times in California, 363 n. Pitkin, Timothy, 108, iii Pitt, William, 93, 96 Place of Jtidge Story in the Making of American Law, The, 77 n. Plain and Pleasant Talk about Fruit, Flowers and Farming, 215 Plato, 197, 211, 213 Plebeian, 264 n. Plu-Ri-Bus Tah, 156 Poe, Edgar Allan, 37, 55-69, 165, 168, 173, 174. 225, 239, 245, 249, 289, 290, 327, 351, 358. 362, 369, 370, 373- 374, 375, 378, 380, 383, 384, 387, 388 Poe s Cottage at Fordham, 330 Poems (Brownell), 277 Poems and Ballads upon Important Episodes in American History, 409 Poems by Two Brothers, 44 Poems by Victor and Cazire, 44 Poems by Whitman, 271 Poems of Adrian, The, 45 Poems of American History, 304 Poems of Places, 35 Poems of the War, 278 Poems on Slavery, 36 Poet at the Breakfast-Table, The, 234 Poetic Principle, 63 Poetry, Lyrical, Narrative, and Satirical of the Civil War, 299 Poets and Poetry of Europe, 35 Politian, 57, 66 Political and Civil History of the United States, 108 Political Annals of the Present United Colonies, 107-8 Polk, J. K., 183, 291, 302 Poor Richard, 214 Pope, 63, 94, 225, 234, 237 Porter, Noah, 219 Porter, William Sydney, 365, 385, 386, 391, 393-94 Port Folio, The, 162, 162 re. Post (Cincinnati), 266 n. Potter, Mary Storer, 34 Pound, Roscoe, 77 Poydras College, 295 Praed, W. M., 242 PrScietises Ridicules, 234 Prentice, George Denison, 153 Prenticeana, 153 Prescott, F. C, 63 n. Prescott, William Hickling, 123-31, 132, 136, 137, 249 Preston, Margaret J., 288, 290, 300, 302, 305, 306, 307, 309, 311 Pnnce, Thomas, 113 Prince and the Pauper, The, 406 Princeton, 198, 208, 219, 316 Princeton Review, The, 208 Princeton Theological Seminary, 208 Proceedings of the Cambridge Historical Society, 77 n. Professor at the Breakfast-Table, The, 228, 234 Prometheus (Lowell), 250 Prometheus Vinctus, 2 Prophetic Pictures, The, 24 Proud, Robert, 106 Providence Gazette, The, 178 Psalm of Life, The, 35 Psalm of the West, The, 338 Puck, 386 Punch, 158 Putnam's Monthly, 247, 371, 372, 373 Pyle, Howard, 408 ■ "Q. C. PHlander Doesticks, P. B." See Thompson, Mortimer Quarles, 3 • Queechy, 398 Queen's Twin, The, 383 Quincy, Edmimd, 192 Josiah, 89, 90 Rabelais Club, 229 Raleigh, 124 Rambler, 367 Ramona, 383 Ramsay, Dr. David, 104, 105, 106 Randall, James Ryder, 291, 295-96, 298, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 307, 311 Randolph, John 71, 85-86, 87 Ranke, Leopold, 130, 139 Rappaccini's Daughter, 24 Raven, The, 59, 65, 66, 67 Raven and Other Poems, The, 59 Rajrmond, Henry J., 189, 192, 193-95 Raynal, Abb6, 201 n. Read, Thomas Buchanan, 279, 282, 285, 286 W. H., 365 Reade, Charles, 371 Realf, Richard, 286 Rebel Rhymes and Rhapsodies, 298 Red Old Hills of Georgia, The, 290 Reaper and the Flowers, The, 35 Records of a School, 20 Reed, Joseph, 118 Reeve, Judge Tapping, 215 "Regency, The," 183 Register (Albany), 183 Reid,_Thos., 197 Relations des Jesuits, 3 Religious Souvenir, The, 175 Religues of Ancient English Poetry, 3 Remarkable Wreck of the " Thomas Hyke," The, 386 Remember Me, The, 175 Remember the Maine, 331 Reminiscences of the Civil War, 318 Repetition and Parallelism in English Verse, 66 n. Repplier, Agnes, 172 Republican (Springfield), 190, 191, 264 n. Requier, A. J., 306, 309 Resignation, 39 Reveille, The (The Drum), 281