Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/670

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654 Index Rhetoric (Blair), 124 Rhode Island to the South, 286 Rhodes, J. F., 193 Richardson, Samuel, 340, 391 Richmond Enquirer, The, 183 Riley, James whitcomb, 363, 409 Rill from the Town Pump, A, 22 Rip Van Winkle, 368, 401 Ripley, George, 9, 166, 192, 197, 210, 211 Rise of the Dutch Republic, 129, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141 Ritchie, Alexander H., 172 Thomas, 183, 184, 185 River Fight, The, 282 Rives, J. C, 120 JohnP, 183 Roane, Judge Spencer, 84-5 Robert of Lincoln, 241 Robertson, J. M., 63 n., 66 n., 67 n. William, 129 Robinson Crusoe, 12, 401 n. Robin Hood, 408 Roderick Hudson, 375 Rollo books, 400 Romance of Certain Old Clothes, 375 Rome, T. H., 264 n. Romero, S., 356 n. Root, George Frederick, 285 Rose in Bloom, 402 Rose of Sharon, a Religious Souvenir, A, 174 Ross, Clinton, 388 Rossetti, W. M., 266, 271 Rousseau, 197, 205 Royster, Sarah Elmira, 56, 60 Rudder Grangers Abroad, 388 Ruskin, 213, 245, 254, 339, 340 Russell, Benj., 180 Irwin, 351, 353-54 Russell's Magazine, 293 Running the Batteries, z'ji), 284 Rutledge, John, 308 Ryan, Abram J. (Father), 291, 300, 309 Riker, John C, 174 Sabellius, 212 Saga of King Olaf, 39 St. Augustine, 197 St. Charles College, 327 Sainte-Beuve, 237 St. Francis, 328, 345 5/. Nicholas, 402 Salesman, The, 264 n. Salmagundi, 162, 368 Sanderson, John, 152 Sands, Robert C, 150, 167, 174 Sapelo, 326 Sappho, 345 Sargent, Epes, 167 Sartain, John, 172, 174 Sartor Resartus, 4, 248 Sass, George Herbert, 309 Saturday Courier (Phil.), 57 Saturday Museum, The, 59 Saturday Press, 267 Saturday Review, The, 137, 140, 145 Saturday Visiter (Baltimore), 57, 58, 60 Savage, John, 286 Sawyer, Caroline M., 174 C. C, 285, 309 Saxe, J. G., 167, 242-43 Saxe Holm's Stories, 377 Scarlet Letter, The, 18, 21, 26, 27, 30 Schmidt, Rudolf, 271 Science of English Verse, The, 338, 341 Schleiermacher, 209 Scott, Sir Walter, 16, 102, 254, 260, 316, 332 Scribner's Monthly, 383, 384 Scriptural Idea of Man, The, 220 Scudder, H. E., 250 n., 251 n., 401, 406 Seaside and the Fireside, The, 39 Seccomb, John, 149 Sedgwick, Miss, 167, 173, 397, 398, 399. 406 _ , Select Journal of Foreign Penodtcal Literature, The, 209 Selections from the Critical Writings of Edgar Allan Poe, 63 re. Seven Lectures to Young Men, 214 Seven Little Sisters, 405 Seward, W. H., 142, 143, 144 Shadow, 68 Shaftesijury, 196 Shakespeare, 3, 63, 95, 96, 133, 235, 248, 253, 259, 264, 266, 332, 340, 341-42, 349, 399 Shanly, C. D., 286 Shaw, Henry Wheeler, 157, 158 Robert Gould, 284 Shays' Rebellion, 106 Shelley, 66, 327 Shelton, Mrs., 60 Sheridan, R. B., 230 Sheridan at Cedar Creek, z-ji), 285 Sheridan's Ride, 279, 285 Sherman, 308, 325, 350 Sherman's in Savannah, 284 Sherman's March to the Sea, 284 Shew, Mrs., 60, 66 ShiUaber, Benjamin Penhallow, 155 Short Sixes, 386 Sidney, Margaret, 402 'Sieur George, 384 Sights from a Steeple, 22 Sigoumey, Mrs., 167, 398, 399 Silas Marner, 340 Silcher, 353 Silence, 68 Silent March, 308 Simms, W. G., 167, 168, 292, 293, 298, 300, 301, 302, 305, 308, 311, 312, 351. 352- 358 Simonides, 3 Simple Cobler of Aggawam in America, The, 149 Sinking of the Merrimac, The, 282 Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, 215