Page:The Cannery Boat.pdf/206

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see our national industries race ahead from now. But this thriving of industry, as we see in Europe and America, gives birth to antagonism between capitalists and workers. This antagonism must be eliminated; therefore we capitalists must from now on take the initiative, and direct this growing labour movement, and lead it into such channels that the workers do not become poisoned with radical ideas, nor become hostile to the capitalist class. That is a great public duty, and it’s waiting for you. You must make that your object, and set to it with your whole heart … ’ ”

The figure at this point thumps on the table.

“I followed the lead of Viscount Shibugaki and for the sake of this land of our Emperor, for the sake of the capitalist class, I organized the labour movement. Never did I work for the workers, but for our Empire and for my own personal success and advancement I have worn myself to the bone. … Had I become infected with Communism, and sought the good of the workers, then would I be neglecting my mission, then would I be guilty of treachery, and I could not protest were I called a misleader. But what are the facts? Never during all these twenty years have I done a single thing that could possibly be interpreted as betraying the capitalist class.”

The figure adopts an heroic pose.

“As a reward for these services the International Labour Bureau has been pleased to forward me this lucky hammer. Now my cherished ambition is to be a Cabinet Minister.”

At this point a second silhouette, as thin as