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a rake, appears, and bowing and scraping before the first, says something to it.

“Oh, is that so? Certainly, certainly. I’ll go there immediately,” and the first figure puts its hammer away somewhere.

“Well, gentlemen, I am extremely busy. The gentleman who came just now is a Doctor of Law, and Professor at the Imperial University, Dr. Yorizo Hijukake. He came with the request that I give an address on the labour movement to the students of the Economic Department, but, to confess the truth, I don’t care for these students. You can’t fool them as easily as you can the workers. However, I’ll have to think of something to say.”



About 1,000 students are crammed into a big lecture hall. Akaji Akai, with his great hog’s body, is escorted into the hall by Dr. Hijukake.

After being introduced by the doctor, Akai takes the platform. “Ahem, Ahem. To-day I wish to address you on the subject of ‘The Class Struggle, or Harmony between Labour and Capital.’ ”

With this, by way of preface, he sticks out his great paunch and, fingering his gold watch-chain, beams on his audience.

“Let us first consider the world class struggle. In Germany they call it Klassenkampf. This word was coined by Marx, and the argument is that there is no other method than a struggle between the two classes to solve the problem of Capital and Labour. And in that struggle you are urged to