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sacrifice everything. Communism, which seems at first sight to protect the interests of the workers, really only sacrifices them, and its principles urge you to concentrate wholly and solely on the class struggle.”

“Shallow, shallow.”

“Who says ‘shallow’? The heckler who says that is himself shallow. But, on the other hand, what is the harmony between Capital and Labour? It is made up of two elements which bring about the growth of industry, that is to say, it works to bring about a rapprochement between workers and capitalists, and it takes as its chief aim the increasing welfare of both.”

“I have a question.” One student stands up and starts to speak. “In regard to the recent 30 per cent. wage-cut for 3000 workers belonging to your union in the Kanto Muslin Company, there is a rumour that you received 200,000 yen from the company to make the strike end, as it did, in disaster for the workers. I’d like to ask, is that true or not? If it is true, then isn’t it at variance with what you said just now?”

“Now, please be quiet. Questions will be taken all together at the end. Sit down, please. Any of the Left-Wing element among you who attempt to interrupt my lecture will be chucked out, so I give you fair warning.”

Akai glares at the questioner and does not go on until he has seen him safely seated again.

“As an analogy we have this,” and from his right pocket he produces a cream puff. “This is a cream puff we had in the reception room. It