Page:The Celebrated Romance of the Stealing of the Mare.djvu/130

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And the dark one told his tale and all the deeds of his daring.
And he sent for the ancient dame, and handed to her the grey mare.
And with it the gifts and stones, and divers notable treasures.
But she said, " O Abu Zeyd ! oh thou most worthy of honour !
Oh thou the beautiful one, may the Lord God grant thee blessing."
And he called to Abul Komsan and bade him attend the lady :
" Go with her straight," said he, " to Naaman, and greet him,
Greet him thus in my name, and all the men that are with him.
Let him deliver the bride to him the son of his brother.
And leave with him in her stead the mareof Agheyli Jaber.
But if he yield her not and be he of the unwilling,
Do thou smite off his head, else is Salame ready."
And he said, " May but I do it and may thou live in thy glory."
And Abul Komsan went forth and with him a thousand horsemen.
And they rode for seven days to Naaman and his people.
And the slave dismounted with "peace be with ye," and told him his story.
But he laughed aloud and cried, '^ What of the mare of Jaber,