Page:The Celebrated Romance of the Stealing of the Mare.djvu/131

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Have you the mare in your hand? the grey mare! the Hamameh! "
And Abul Komsan said, "My Lord Abu Zeyd hath brought her;
He hath achieved this thing, and all for the sakeof Amer."
But Naaman spoke again, "And is Abu Zeyd thy master?
Take thee the mare and begone, and speak to him that hath sent thee;
Know that of Naaman no man yet hath claimed the obedience."
And the slave arose in his wrath, and flung himself in his saddle
And roared aloud like a lion, a lion roused to the seizing.
And for Naaman nought cared he, and nought for them that were with him.
And Naaman called to his people, " Ho ye, the tribesmen of Dagher!
Ho, to my help, O men! " But quick as the hghtning flasheth.
Struck the slave with his spear, and the point passed through his body,
Even Naaman's body. And all men fled in confusion.
But Abul Komsan cried, " Fear not. Nay, rather together
Go we and bury this dog, for he died an unbeliever."
And they went with Abul Komsan and buried him as he bade them.