Page:The Chace - Somervile (1735).djvu/120

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Book IV.
Far shall his Pack be fam'd, far sought his Breed,
And Princes at their Tables feast those Hounds
His Hand presents, an acceptable Boon. 30

E'er yet the Sun thro' the bright Ram has urg'd
His steepy Course, or Mother Earth unbound
Her frozen Bosom to the Western Gale;
When feather'd Troops, their social Leagues dissolv'd,
Select their Mates, and on the leafless Elm 35
The noisy Rook builds high her wicker Nest;
Mark well the wanton Females of thy Pack,
That curl their taper Tails, and frisking court
Their pyebald Mates enamour'd; their red Eyes
Flash Fires impure; nor Rest, nor Food they take,
Goaded by furious Love. In sep'rate Cells
Confine them now, lest bloody Civil Wars
Annoy thy peaceful State. If left at large,
