Page:The Chace - Somervile (1735).djvu/121

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Book IV.
The growling Rivals in dread Battle join,
And rude Encounter. On Scamander's Streams 45
Heroes of old with far less Fury fought,
For the bright Spartan Dame, their Valour's Prize.
Mangled and torn thy fav'rite Hounds shall lie,
Stretch'd on the Ground; thy Kennel shall appear
A Field of Blood: like some unhappy Town 50
In Civil Broils confus'd, while Discord shakes
Her bloody Scourge aloft, fierce Parties rage,
Staining their impious Hands in mutual Death.
And still the best belov'd, and bravest fall:
Such are the dire Effects of lawless Love. 55

Huntsman! these Ills by timely prudent Care
Prevent: for ev'ry longing Dame select
Some happy Paramour; to him alone
In Leagues connubial join. Consider well
His Lineage; what his Fathers did of old, 60
