Page:The Chace - Somervile (1735).djvu/122

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Book IV.
Chiefs of the Pack, and first to climb the Rock,
Or plunge into the Deep, or thread the Brake
With Thorns sharp-pointed, plash'd, and Briars inwoven.
Observe with Care his Shape, Sort, Colour, Size.
Nor will sagacious Huntsmen less regard 65
His inward Habits; the vain Babbler shun,
Ever loquacious, ever in the wrong.
His foolish Offspring shall offend thy Ears
With false Alarms, and loud Impertinence.
Nor less the shifting Cur avoid, that breaks 70
Illusive from the Pack; to the next Hedge
Devious he strays, there ev'ry Muse he tries,
If haply then he cross the streaming Scent,
Away he flies vain glorious; and exults
As of the Pack supreme, and in his Speed 71
And Strength unrivall'd. Lo! cast far behind
His vex'd Associates pant, and lab'ring strain
