Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/132

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Every man of the house of Israel that setteth up his idols in his heart, and putteth the stumbling-block of his iniquity before his face, and cometh to the prophet; I the Lord will answer him that cometh according to the multitude of his idols. Ezekiel xiv. 4.

Stately thy walls, and holy are the prayers
   Which day and night before thine altars rise:
Not statelier, towering o'er her marble stairs,
   Flashed Sion's gilded dome to summer skies,
Not holier, while around him angels bowed,
From Aaron's censer steamed the spicy cloud,

Before the mercy-seat. O Mother dear,
   Wilt thou forgive thy son one boding sigh?
Forgive, if round thy towers he walk in fear,
   And tell thy jewels o'er with jealous eye?
Mindful of that sad vision, which in thought
From Chebar's plains the captive prophet brought.

To see lost Sion's shame. 'Twas morning prime,
   And like a Queen new seated on her throne,
GOD'S crowned mountain, as in happier time,
   Seemed to rejoice in sunshine all her own:
So bright, while all in shade around her lay,
Her northern pinnacles had caught th' emerging ray.

The dazzling lines of her majestic roof
   Crossed with as free a span the vault of heaven,
As when twelve tribes knelt silently aloof
   Ere GOD His answer to their king had given,
Ere yet upon the new-built altar fell
The glory of the LORD, the Lord of Israel.

All seems the same: but enter in and see
   What idol shapes are on the wall portrayed:
And watch their shameless and unholy glee,
   Who worship there in Aaron's robes arrayed:
Hear Judah's maids the dirge to Thammuz pour,
And mark her chiefs yon orient sun adore.

Yet turn thee, son of man—for worse than these
   Thou must behold: thy loathing were but lost
On dead men's crimes, and Jews' idolatries -
   Come, learn to tell aright thine own sins' cost, -
And sure their sin as far from equals thine,
As earthly hopes abused are less than hopes divine.