Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/133

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What if within His world, His Church, our LORD
   Have entered thee, as in some temple gate,
Where, looking round, each glance might thee afford
   Some glorious earnest of thine high estate,
And thou, false heart and frail, hast turned from all
To worship pleasure's shadow on the wall?

If, when the LORD of Glory was in sight,
   Thou turn thy back upon that fountain clear,
To bow before the "little drop of light,"
   Which dim-eyed men call praise and glory here;
What dost thou, but adore the sun, and scorn
Him at whose only word both sun and stars were born?

If, while around thee gales from Eden breathe,
   Thou hide thine eyes, to make thy peevish moan
Over some broken reed of earth beneath,
   Some darling of blind fancy dead and gone,
As wisely might'st thou in JEHOVAH'S fane
Offer thy love and tears to Thammuz slain.

Turn thee from these, or dare not to inquire
   Of Him whose name is Jealous, lest in wrath
He hear and answer thine unblest desire:
   Far better we should cross His lightning's path
Than be according to our idols beard,
And God should take us at our own vain word.

Thou who hast deigned the Christian's heart to call
   Thy Church and Shrine; whene'er our rebel will
Would in that chosen home of Thine instal
   Belial or Mammon, grant us not the ill
We blindly ask; in very love refuse
Whate'er Thou knowest our weakness would abuse.

Or rather help us, LORD, to choose the good,
   To pray for nought, to seek to none, but Thee,
Nor by "our daily bread" mean common food,
   Nor say, "From this world's evil set us free;"
Teach us to love, with CHRIST, our sole true bliss,
Else, though in CHRIST'S own words, we surely pray amiss.