Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/182

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These are the tones to brace and cheer
   The lonely watcher of the fold,
When nights are dark, and foeman near,
   When visions fade and hearts grow cold.

How timely then a comrade's song
   Comes floating on the mountain air,
And bids thee yet be bold and strong -
   Fancy may die, but Faith is there.


Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. Revelation vii. 3.

   Why blow'st thou not, thou wintry wind,
      Now every leaf is brown and sere,
   And idly droops, to thee resigned,
      The fading chaplet of the year?
   Yet wears the pure aerial sky
   Her summer veil, half drawn on high,
   Of silvery haze, and dark and still
The shadows sleep on every slanting hill.

   How quiet shows the woodland scene!
      Each flower and tree, its duty done,
   Reposing in decay serene,
      Like weary men when age is won,
   Such calm old age as conscience pure
   And self-commanding hearts ensure,
   Waiting their summons to the sky,
Content to live, but not afraid to die.

   Sure if our eyes were purged to trace
      God's unseen armies hovering round,
   We should behold by angels' grace
      The four strong winds of Heaven fast bound,
   Their downward sweep a moment stayed
   On ocean cove and forest glade,
   Till the last flower of autumn shed
Her funeral odours on her dying bed.