Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/183

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   So in Thine awful armoury, Lord,
      The lightnings of the judgment-day
   Pause yet awhile, in mercy stored,
      Till willing hearts wear quite away
   Their earthly stains; and spotless shine
   On every brow in light divine
   The Cross by angel hands impressed,
The seal of glory won and pledge of promised

   Little they dream, those haughty souls
      Whom empires own with bended knee,
   What lowly fate their own controls,
      Together linked by Heaven's decree; -
   As bloodhounds hush their baying wild
   To wanton with some fearless child,
   So Famine waits, and War with greedy eyes,
Till some repenting heart be ready for the skies.

   Think ye the spires that glow so bright
      In front of yonder setting sun,
   Stand by their own unshaken might?
      No—where th' upholding grace is won,
   We dare not ask, nor Heaven would tell,
   But sure from many a hidden dell,
   From many a rural nook unthought of there,
Rises for that proud world the saints' prevailing prayer.

   On, Champions blest, in Jesus' name,
      Short be your strife, your triumph full,
   Till every heart have caught your flame,
      And, lightened of the world's misrule,
   Ye soar those elder saints to meet
   Gathered long since at Jesus' feet,
   No world of passions to destroy,
Your prayers and struggles o'er, your task all praise and joy.


O God of Mercy, God of Might,
How should pale sinners bear the sight,
If, as Thy power in surely here,
Thine open glory should appear?

For now Thy people are allowed
To scale the mount and pierce the cloud,