Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/48

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Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear; but your iniquities have separated between you and your God. Isaiah lix. 1, 2.

   "Wake, arm Divine! awake,
      Eye of the only Wise!
   Now for Thy glory's sake,
      Saviour and God, arise,
And may Thine ear, that sealed seems,
In pity mark our mournful themes!"

   Thus in her lonely hour
      Thy Church is fain to cry,
   As if Thy love and power
      Were vanished from her sky;
Yet God is there, and at His side
He triumphs, who for sinners died.

   Ah! 'tis the world enthralls
      The Heaven-betrothed breast:
   The traitor Sense recalls
      The soaring soul from rest.
That bitter sigh was all for earth,
For glories gone and vanished mirth.

   Age would to youth return,
      Farther from Heaven would be,
   To feel the wildfire burn,
      On idolising knee
Again to fall, and rob Thy shrine
Of hearts, the right of Love Divine.

   Lord of this erring flock!
      Thou whose soft showers distil
   On ocean waste or rock,
      Free as on Hermon hill,
Do Thou our craven spirits cheer,
And shame away the selfish tear.

   'Twas silent all and dead
      Beside the barren sea,
   Where Philip's steps were led,
      Led by a voice from Thee -
He rose and went, nor asked Thee why,
Nor stayed to heave one faithless sigh: