Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/49

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   Upon his lonely way
      The high-born traveller came,
   Reading a mournful lay
      Of "One who bore our shame,
Silent Himself, His name untold,
And yet His glories were of old."

   To muse what Heaven might mean
      His wondering brow he raised,
   And met an eye serene
      That on him watchful gazed.
No Hermit e'er so welcome crossed
A child's lone path in woodland lost.

   Now wonder turns to love;
      The scrolls of sacred lore
   No darksome mazes prove;
      The desert tires no more
They bathe where holy waters flow,
Then on their way rejoicing go.

   They part to meet in Heaven;
      But of the joy they share,
   Absolving and forgiven,
      The sweet remembrance bear.
Yes—mark him well, ye cold and proud.
Bewildered in a heartless crowd,

   Starting and turning pale
      At Rumour's angry din -
   No storm can now assail
      The charm he wears within,
Rejoicing still, and doing good,
And with the thought of God imbued.

   No glare of high estate,
      No gloom of woe or want,
   The radiance can abate
      Where Heaven delights to haunt:
Sin only bides the genial ray,
And, round the Cross, makes night of day.

   Then weep it from thy heart;
      So mayst thou duly learn
   The intercessor's part;
      Thy prayers and tears may earn
For fallen souls some healing breath,
Era they have died the Apostate's death.