Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/52

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Like violets in the freezing blast
   No vernal steam around they cast. -
   But they shall flourish from the tomb,
The breath of God shall wake them into odorous bloom.

   Then on the incarnate Saviour's breast,
   The fount of sweetness, they shall rest,
   Their spirits every hour imbued
   More deeply with His precious blood.
   But peace—still voice and closed eye
   Suit best with hearts beyond the sky,
   Hearts training in their low abode,
Daily to lose themselves in hope to find their God.


The invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made. Romans i. 20.

There is a book, who runs may read,
   Which heavenly truth imparts,
And all the lore its scholars need,
   Pure eyes and Christian hearts.

The works of God above, below,
   Within us and around,
Are pages in that book, to show
   How God Himself is found.

The glorious sky embracing all
   Is like the Maker's love,
Wherewith encompassed, great and small
   In peace and order move.

The Moon above, the Church below,
   A wondrous race they run,
But all their radiance, all their glow,
   Each borrows of its Sun.

The Savour lends the light and heat
   That crowns His holy hill;
The saints, like stars, around His seat
   Perform their courses still.