Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/53

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The saints above are stars in heaven -
   What are the saints on earth?
Like tress they stand whom God has given,
   Our Eden's happy birth.

Faith is their fixed unswerving root,
   Hope their unfading flower,
Fair deeds of charity their fruit,
   The glory of their bower.

The dew of heaven is like Thy grace,
   It steals in silence down;
But where it lights, this favoured place
   By richest fruits is known.

One Name above all glorious names
   With its ten thousand tongues
The everlasting sea proclaims.
   Echoing angelic songs.

The raging Fire, the roaring Wind,
   Thy boundless power display;
But in the gentler breeze we find
   Thy Spirit's viewless way.

Two worlds are ours: 'tis only Sin
   Forbids us to descry
The mystic heaven and earth within,
   Plain as the sea and sky.

Thou, who hast given me eyes to see
   And love this sight so fair,
Give me a heart to find out Thee,
   And read Thee everywhere.


So He drove out the man; and He placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. Genesis iii. 24; compare chap. vi.

   Foe of mankind! too bold thy race:
   Thou runn'st at such a reckless pace,
Thine own dire work thou surely wilt confound: