Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/82

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To each unknown his brother's prayer,
   Yet brethren true in dearest love
      Were they—and now they share
         Fraternal joys above.

There daily through Christ's open gate
   They see the Gentile spirits press,
      Brightening their high estate
         With dearer happiness.

What civic wreath for comrades saved
   Shone ever with such deathless gleam,
      Or when did perils braved
         So sweet to veterans seem?


And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy, and did run to bring His disciples word. St. Matthew xxviii. 8.


Thou first-born of the year's delight,
   Pride of the dewy glade,
In vernal green and virgin white,
   Thy vestal robes, arrayed:

'Tis not because thy drooping form
   Sinks graceful on its nest,
When chilly shades from gathering storm
   Affright thy tender breast;

Nor for yon river islet wild
   Beneath the willow spray,
Where, like the ringlets of a child,
   Thou weav'st thy circle gay;

'Tis not for these I love thee dear -
   Thy shy averted smiles
To Fancy bode a joyous year,
   One of Life's fairy isles.

They twinkle to the wintry moon,
   And cheer th' ungenial day,
And tell us, all will glisten soon
   As green and bright as they.