Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/83

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Is there a heart that loves the spring,
   Their witness can refuse?
Yet mortals doubt, when angels bring
   From Heaven their Easter news:

When holy maids and matrons speak
   Of Christ's forsaken bed,
And voices, that forbid to seek
   The hiving 'mid the dead,

And when they say, "Turn, wandering heart,
   Thy Lord is ris'n indeed,
Let Pleasure go, put Care apart,
   And to His presence speed;"

We smile in scorn: and yet we know
   They early sought the tomb,
Their hearts, that now so freshly glow,
   Lost in desponding gloom.

They who have sought, nor hope to find,
   Wear not so bright a glance:
They, who have won their earthly mind,
   Lees reverently advance.

But where in gentle spirits, fear
   And joy so duly meet,
These sure have seen the angels near,
   And kissed the Saviour's feet.

Nor let the Pastor's thankful eye
   Their faltering tale disdain,
As on their lowly couch they lie,
   Prisoners of want and pain.

O guide us, when our faithless hearts
   From Thee would start aloof,
Where Patience her sweet skill imparts
   Beneath some cottage roof:

Revive our dying fires, to burn
   High as her anthems soar,
And of our scholars let us learn
   Our own forgotten lore.