Page:The City of the Saints.djvu/432

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Chap. IX.


  •  20. Men belonging to the Gadianton band usurped the judgment-seat (p. 407, par. 1).
  •  18. Nephi prophesied many important things against his people (p. 416, par. 15).
  •  14. Three years' famine brought the people to repentance, and caused them to destroy the Gadianton robbers (p. 417, pars. 2,3).
  •  13. Peace being restored, the people spread themselves abroad, to repair their waste places (p. 418, par. 4).
  •  12. The majority of the people, both Nephites and Lamanites, became members of the Church (p. 418, par. 4).
  •   9. Certain dissenters among the Nephites stirred up the Lamanites against their brethren, and they revived the secrets of Gadianton (p. 419, par. 5).
  •   5. The Lamanites prevailed against the Nephites, because of their great wickedness (p. 420, par. 7).
  •   4. Samuel the Lamanite performed a mission among the Nephites (p. 422, par. 1).
  •   1. Great signs and wonders were given unto the people, and the words of the Prophets began to be fulfilled (p. 431, par. 10).
  •   1. Lachoneus was the chief judge and governor of the land. Nephi gave the records into the hands of his son Nephi (p. 432, par. 1).
  •   1. The Lord revealed to Nephi that he would come into the world the next day, and many signs of his coming were given (p. 433, par. 3).


  •   3. The Gadianton robbers committed many depredations (p. 434, par. 6).
  •   4. The Gadianton robbers greatly increased (p. 434, par. 6).
  •   9. The Nephites began to reckon their time from the coming of Christ (p. 435, par. 8).
  •  13. The Nephites were joined by many of the Lamanites in defense against the robbers, who had now become very numerous and formidable (p. 436, par. 9).
  •  15. The Nephites were worsted in several engagements (p. 436, par. 10).
  •  16. Gidgidoni, who was a chief judge and a great prophet, was appointed commander-in-chief (p. 438, par. 3).
  •  17. The Nephites gathered themselves together for the purpose of mutual defense, and provided themselves with seven years' provisions (p. 439, par. 4).
  •  19. A great battle was fought between the Nephites and the Gadianton robbers, in which the latter were defeated, and their leader, Giddianhi, was slain (p. 440, pars. 6, 8).
  •  21. The Nephites slew tens of thousands of the robbers, and took all that were alive prisoners, and hanged their leader, Femnarihah (p. 441, 442, pars. 9, 10).
  •  25. Mormon made new plates, upon which he made a record of what