Page:The City of the Saints.djvu/433

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Chap. IX.


took place from the time Lehi left Jerusalem until his own day, and also a history of his own times (p. 443, par. 11).

  •  26. The Nephites spread themselves abroad on their former possessions (p. 445, par. 1).
  •  30. Lachoneus, the son of Lachoneus, was appointed governor of the land. He was murdered, and the people became divided into numerous tribes (p. 446, 447, pars. 3, 4).
  •  31. Nephi having great faith in God, angels did minister to him daily (p. 449, par. 8).
  •  32. The few who were converted through the preaching of Nephi were greatly blessed of God (p. 449, par. 10).
  •  33. Many were baptized into the Church (p. 449, par. 10).
  •  34. A terrible tempest took place, which changed and deformed the whole face of the land. Three days elapsed during which no light was seen.
  •  34. The voice of Jesus Christ was heard by all the people of the land, declaring that he had caused this destruction, and commanding them to cease to offer burnt-offerings and sacrifices (p. 453, pars. 7, 8).
  •  35. In this year Jesus Christ appeared among the Nephites, and unfolded to them at large the principles of the Gospel (p. 455, pars. 11, 1). The apostles of Christ formed a Church of Christ (p. 492, par. 1).
  •  36. Both the Nephites and the Lamanites were all converted, and had all things in common (p. 492, par. 2).
  •  37. Many miracles were wrought by the disciples of Jesus (p. 492, par. 3).
  •  59. The people rebuilt the city of Zarahemla, and were very prosperous (p. 493, par. 3).
  • 100. The disciples of Jesus, whom he had chosen, had all gone to Paradise except the three who obtained the promise that they should not taste of death (p. 493, par. 5).
  • 110. Nephi died, and his son Amos kept the record (p. 493, par. 6).
  • 194. Amos died, and his son Amos kept the record (p. 494, par. 7).
  • 201. The people ceased to have all things in common; they became proud, and were divided into classes (p. 494, par. 7).
  • 210. There were many churches who were opposed to the true Church of Christ (p. 494, par. 8).
  • 230. The people dwindled in unbelief and wickedness from year to year (p. 494, par. 8).
  • 231. A great division took place among the people (p. 495, par. 8).
  • 244. The wicked part of the people became stronger and more numerous than the righteous (p. 495, par. 9).
  • 260. The people began to build up the secret oaths and combinations of Gadianton (p. 495, par. 9).
  • 300. The Gadianton robbers spread themselves all over the face of the land (p. 496, par. 10).
  • 305. Amos died, and his brother Ammaron kept the record in his stead (p. 496, par. 11).
  • 320. Ammaron hid up all the sacred records unto the Lord, and gave