Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/19

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UPPER OSSORT. 9 hoaM of William Kully, a iargeon, in Dubliii.(*) Will dat 9 Sep. 1581.((>) Hia wife aurriTed him. III. 1681. S. Florknci, or Ftkoik (Fitzpatricr), Baron of UrpRR OaaoRT [T.], br. and b. male of the whole blo(Ml(<) ; we. to ikt peerage [I.], 11 Sep. 1681. Hia leKttmaey waj qaeaiioned but eatabliahed after a long controverav, 12 May 1607. He had, however, previoualj, 1585, aat in [Penrot'a] Pari. [I.] At hia reqneat the diatrict of Up|>er Oaaoty waa, 81 July 1900, reduced into

    • Shire-ground and annexed to Queena County. He reeeived oonaiderable granta of

territonr, with rem., howeTor, in the firat place, to hia aecond and younger aona. Ha m, Catharine, da. of Patrick, or Rory, O'MoRi, of Leix, in Queena oounty. He was living 1608, but d. before 8 July 1615. IV. 16101 4' Thadt, or Tbigb (Fitzpatriok), IUron of Ufpbr OaiORT [I.], lat a. and h.(<>) linctotke peera^[I.] before 8 July 1616. He. hia aon Bryan, and his br. John, received, 7 Aug. 1618, new patenta for their landa, after aurrender. He m. Joan, aiater of Theobald, VnooUMT Botubr of TuLLROPHiuu [I], lat da. of Sir Rdmon«l Dutlir, by Rleanor, da. of Rowland (BuBTACi^, 2d ViftCOUNT RAiTiifaLAsa [I.] lie </. Deo. 1627, and waa 6iir. in the family burial place at the Abbey of Aglimocirte. His widow d, 1681» and waa bur. with her anccatora at St. Canioe, Kilkenny. V. 1627. 5. Barnaby, or Bryan (Fitzpatrick), Baron of Upfkb OaaoRT [I.}, let a. and h.,(*) fiu:. to the peerage [I.] Dec 1627, and took hiaaeat, 14 July 1684. He m. hia oouain Margaret, let da. of Walter (Butlib), Earl op Oruondb ard Obsort [I.], by Helen, da. of Kdmund (Butlir), 2d VnooURT MoDMTQARKBT [I.]. He cf. in the prime of life, about 1638. Hia widow waa living at Water Caatle in 1641, and joined in the rebellion [I.] of that year. VI. 1638 f 6, Bahnady, or Bryan (Fitzpatriok), Baron of Ufpbr OssoRY [I.], 1st 8. and h.(0 «c«. ioike peeratft[l.] about 1688 and took hia aeat 16 March 1689. He took part in the rebellion Tf.] of 1641, waa at the aiege of Borraa in 1642, and at that of Ballynakill in 1648, beiu| accordingly Indicted of high treaaon. On claiming hia aeat in. Pari, the Lordi [I.] decided, 20 Sep. 1661, that being ** only indicted and not outlawed or any waya attainted,*' he waa entitled thereto. He m. Catharine, dn. of Sir ISdward Kyrrard, of Pethard, ca Tipperary. (*) Ormonde aaid of him that there ^aa "not a naughtier or more dangeroua man in Irelnnd than the Baron of Upper Oaaory, but Sir H. Wallop calla him aa aound a man to her Miueaty aa any of hia nation,*' while Sir H. Sidney writea that he waa '* the moat auffident man in counsel and action for the war that ever I found of that country birth ; great pity it waa of hia death.'* [Nai, Biogr ] Lloyd aaya, " He died a good proteatant, a public spirited patriot and an honeat man .*' Hia correapondenoe haa been printed in the " Literary llemaina of Bd. VI.,*' publiahed by the Rozbuighe Clnb. (**) An abstract thereof ia given in Lodge. (^) There were also two younger brothers among whoae iaaue male, if any, the heir to tbia Barony may possibly exist — vis. (1) Teige, or Thady, aent priaoner to Dublin by his Father in 1646 and there executed ** for hia criraea.^ (?) Geoffrey. (^) He bad four bruthera among whoae iaaue male, if anv, the heir to thia Barony may exiat, viz, (1) John, aaid to have been great-grandfather of Richard, lat Baron Gowran [I.], who ivaa father of John, 1st Earl of Upper Oaaory [I.] (2) Geoffrey, of Ballyraghan or Ballyharagh, who d, 8.p.m. 18 Aug. 1688. (8) Barnaby or Bryan, of Water Oastle, living 4 Sep. 1626. (4) Rdmond, of Caatle Fleming, living 1641, being father of Andrew, who was engaged in the rebellion [I.] of that year. (*) He had three brothera among whose iasue male, if any, the heir to thia Barony may exist, viz, (1 ) Dermoid, or Darby, who m. twice. (2) Turiough, who alao m., and who was living 16 Sep. 1631. (8) John. ^0 He had two brothers, among whoae iaaue male, if any, the heir to thia Barony may exiat (1) Edward, or Bdmond. (2) Dermoid, or Darbgr. Several notioea of membera of the Fitcpatrick family are in D* Alton's " King Jamet*§ irith Armw Ut^ 1689 " (pp. 506-610).