Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/20

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10 UPFBR OSSORY. YII. 16701 7. Barkaby, or Drtan (Fitzpatrick), Babon of Uppbr to OasoRT [I.], Ist ft. and h.(^) we. to the peerage [I.] about 1670 ; waft 1691. * Capt in the Army in tbfl Earl uf Clancarty'a regiment; distinguished himself at Mous ; had an annual pension of £100 from Charles II., This was continued by James II., I Jan. 1687, f<*r adhereuoe to whom he was outlawed at Dublin, 1 1 Hay 1691 . This act, however, was not confirmed, and its reversal was by special exemption, not hindered under the Act 6 Will II L relating to such outlawries and attainders. It appears, however, to have been considered as effectual in causing the Jorfeiiure of the peerage dignity. He tn. firstly, Hargaret,(b) 1st da. of Pierce (Butlkr), 1st VisoooiiT Ikkbicin [I.], by Ellen, dn. of Walter (Butlbu), Eaul of Okmomdk and OssOiKT [I.] He m. secondly, his 1m(4) wife's firrtt c«Huin, MargHnst,^^) du. and h. of James (Botlih), 13ih Uahon Diinuiiykb {!.]. by KUen, 3il <la. of the said Pierce ( BUTLIB}, 1st ViBOOUKT Ikbuiiin [L. ] He M. tliiiilly, Dorothy, da. of (— ) WAOSTAKn. Ue d, s.p.m.B.(«) about 1695, and before 1696. His widow was living 21 Feb. 1701. YIII, 1695 f 8. Baunady, or Bhyan, Fitzpatriok, nephew and h., being only a. of the Hun. John Fitxpatuiuk, by Elisabeth, da. of Bryan Cavb^i aoh, of Borris, co. Carlow, which John was next br. to the late Baron. He assumed the title of Baiion of Uppbr Osbort [I.] after his uncle's deat'i, but it whs diaalluwe<l by the Houm of Lords [I.] 29 Dec. 1697, who found that ho, " the sniil Baruaby or Bryan was outlawed - 11 May preceding. "(*^) He (/. 1698, wheu *'it was again ineffectually laid claim to by Lieut. James Fitzptitriuk [^whiwe pareutMge is not state<l], who had one son, Henry, "C^') who m. in Jan. 1749/50, Jane, da. of Riuhard Farrkn. Finally, 16 Nov. 1781,(«) it was resolvtHl by the House of Lords fl.] that this Barony was exUhd^ and that consequently it should be omitted in the list of Peers [I.](') UPPER OSSORY and UPPER OSSORY OF AMPTHILL. Earldom [I.] i. John (Fitzpatuick), Bauon Gowran [I.], s. and h. I 1751 ^^ Kiclmrd (Fitzpatuick), let Babon Oowban [I.] (so cr. 27 April 1716),(K) by Anne, 2d and yKt da. und coheir of Sir John Robinson, 2d Bsrt., was 6. 1719 ; «kc. to thcpeenge [I.], 9 June 1727 ; metric at Oxford (Queen's Coll.), 6 June 1785, aged 16 ; tuc, on the death of his mother, 24 Nov. 1744, to the estate of Farming- wood and Grafton Underwood, co. Northamp- ton ; Blaster of Farming-wood fore«t, 1745 ; and was er. 5 Oct 1751, EARL OF (^) Ue had two brothers, vie. (1) John, mentioned in the text, father of Bamaby, who assumed the title, and ^2) James, who d. in England. It is probable that no issue male from either of them exists, but, if otherwise, the heir to the Barony wonld be among such issue. Q>) Lord Upper Ossory m. *' Mall " shortly after June 1685. To which of his marriages this may apply seems doubtful. («) By his first wife, only, he had issue (1), Bryan, 1st s. who d. T.p. of the small-pox at Downpatrick, in 1687, unm, ; (2) Keiun, cf. v.p.and ap. ; (8) Mary ; (4 and 5) John and Catharine, who d, infants. (^) " Lodge," vol. u, p. 848. (•) The House of Lords [L] agreed, 15 Not. 1781, to the report of the committee appointed io consider the return of the Lords [I.] made by Ubter King of Arms, that the honours undernametl are extinct and ought to be left out of the list of Peers [I.], VIS. (I), Sanderson, Viacount Oastletown ; (2) Pitspatrick, Baron of Upper Ossory ; (8) PolHott, Baron of Ballyshannon ; (4) Gorges, Baron cf Dundalk ; (5) Tichbourne, Baron Ferrard. If, however, aa possibly was the case, the descent of Lord Gowran [L] from the 8d Baron of Upper Ossory [I.] in the male line was correct, it is evident that, tho* under forfeiture, the last named Barony was not extinct, (f) In " Lynch," p. 277, mention is made of papers relating to a claim to this Barony in 1749. (() This Richard sue. his elder br., Edward, 10 Nov. 1696, being 2d s. of John Fitspatrick of Oastletown in Queen's county [d, 1698^ s. of Florence P. (living 12 Aug. 1652), 1st s. and h. of John P., both of Oastletown afsd., who was said to be 2d a of Florence, 8d Baron of Upi)er Ossory. See p. 9, note ** d."