Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/213

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WOttOBSTEft— WORSLBir. ^Od the erefttiomi of that data were made Toid, and, oouflequeDtlj, till the Reetoratioo, he waa only reoogniaed aa Barl of Wareaier. He came over from Franee to England on behalf of the exiled King, but waa oommitted to the Tower, 28 July 1652 to Got 1664. In 1656, he prepared hia deniurg of fnventioni for the pren{'): on 28 April 1661, he attended the coronation of Charles II. He m., firatly, in 1628, Eliaabeth, sister of Robert, let Raul OF Carnarvon, da. of Sir William Dormer (s. and h. ap. of Robert, let Baron Dormrr OF Wknob), by Alice da. of Sir Richard Holtnsux, Dart. She d. 81 May 1686 at Worcester House afsd., and was 6tir. at Raglan. Funeral certificate. He m,, secondly, in 1689, Mari;aret.2d da. aud coheir of Henry (O'Bbiin), 5th Earl of Thomond [I.], by Mary, da. of William (Bbbrbton), Baron Brbriton of Lbiohun [I*] He d, at St. Qilea' in the Fielda, Middx, 8 and waa bur. 19 April 1667 at Raglan,0») nsed about 66. At hia death the Earldom of Qlamorgan and the Barony of Beaufort of Caldeeoi Cadle are aunpcaed to have become t9iinci.{*) Admon. 28 Nov. 1667, 18 Jan. 1670/1 and 15 Oct, 1681. His widow m, Douogh 0*Krarnit,(<1) who waa living 81 May 1682. She d. a.p.8. 26 July 1681. Admon. 81 May 1682. KarqueMata. III. Barldom. XII. S and 7. Henrt (Soubrsbt), Marquess op WoHORBTBR, etCw, only a. and h., by first wife ; 6. about 1 AA7 ^^^^ > dgUd LOBD Hbrbbrt, tilt he iue. to the peeragt^ ^ ^^ ' * as sbove, 8 A pril 1 667. He waa er. 2 Dec. 1682, DU KE OP BEAUFORT ; see that tiUe. WORLABY. See Bblaeysb of Woblabt, go. Linooln, Barony {Bdasyse)^ <t«  1645 ; €«. 1691. WORLINGHA^f. f.0., **WoRLTNanAM op Bboglbs," 00. Suffolk/' Barony (AcJieson cr. 1835 ; see " Gobforo" Earldom [I.], cr, 1806, under the 2d Eari. WORMEQAY, or WIRMEGAY. See ^'Bardolph" Barony {Bardolph cr. 1299, the 4th and 5th Barona having been aum. aa Bardcipk (is Wiimega/ff and BardUfk de H^onugay; fwfeUed 1408. WORMLEIQHTON. See " PsoHB " [of Wormleightoo, oa Warwick], Barony {Pedie cr. 1821 ; in odcyaiiM, 1888. See ^ Spbkoir of WoRJOiiiOHTON, co. Warwick," Barony (Spencer), er. 1608. WORSLEY OF APULDURCOMBE, %.e., WoRBLXT OF Apulduroombs, in the isle of Wight^" Barony (Ander9on-Pdkam), er. 1887 with the Earldom of Tarborouob, which aee. (•) Hia Bcientific and philoaophioal labours — he is said, indeed, to have given the first hint of the ateam engine — have, perliape, never been appreciated as they deserved till the issue by Henry Direks, Civil Engineer in 1865 of his Life, etc In that work is his portrait, engraved from a picture by Vandyke, at Badminton. See also a note there aa to this or another picture— also a description of one of him and hia second wife and their only diild (Mary) by Hanneman. See an able review of Dirck'a work in the tier, and Oen., vol. iii, pp. ) 61-172. (b) On tiie coffin plate he is called Marquess and Earl of Worcester, Earl of Qlamorgan, Baron Herbert of Raglan, Chepetow, and Qower. («) See p. 202, note " g,'* referring to the article on " Qlamorqan " in this work. (A) She is said in Sandford " to have e». (— ) Lavallen, of IreUnd."