Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/214

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    • i.e., *' Mount-Stuart of Wobtlit, oo. Yak' Baron j (Shiort^ De6

WortUg-Mamiagu) cr. 1761 ; Me *' Ben " Ktridom [8.] (StmmH), or. 1708, ander the See ** Whabncuffi op WobtliTi co. York, Barony {Stuari-Woriley- MtukatxUl cr. 1826. WOTTON. See '* Cabrinoton of Wotioh, co. Warwick,'* Barony {Simyth cr, 1648 ; ex, (with the Viflcountey of Carrington of Bmford [L]) 1706. WOTTON OP MARLEY and WOTTON OP WOTTON. Barony. /. *<£dwabd Wotton, Knt, Comptroller of the house- T lAA^ hold to Queen Kliabeth and to Jemee I" wae cr. 18 YLmj 1603(*) I. J wo. 3j^m)^ WOTTON OF MARIiET, oo. Kent. He was Ut e. and h.(*») of Thomaa Wonoa, of Bonghton MallMrbe, ooi Kent (d 11 Jan. 1587, aged 66) by hia ftnt wife, KliiahMh, da. of Sir John Ruonoa, uf Boaghioo M on- ^elaea, in that oooniy ; waa 6. 1548 ; ia aaid to have been aeeradited to the Ooort of Portugal, and waa roiaei l» ikt fMcrepe, aa above, 18 May 1608. He m. fiiatly, 1 Sep. 1576, at Boiichion llalherbe. Heater, da. and eoheir of Sir William PocKBUiiQ, of Oawaldkirk, oo. Yorfc. She waa ftar. 12 Hay 1502, at Boughton. He «. aeoondly, Hargaret, da. of Philip (Whamoh), 8d Baboh Wbabtoh, by Franoea, da. of Henry (GurFOKD), Bail or CuMBULAaa By her he had no aurr. iaaue. He waa living 7 Dea 1628, when hia age would have been 75, and probably d, about 1625. Hia widow waa living 5 Aug. 1641. IL 1625 1 2. Thomas (Wotton), Babon Wotton op Mablet, only to aurv. a. and h. by ftrat wife ; 5. 1588 ; rac to lA«}ieerape after, probably 1 630. very aoon after, 1628. He »., in 1608, Mary, let da. and ooheir of Sir Arthur TiiaooKMOBTOa (d July 1626), of Pauleeburr and Silveraton, oo. Korihampton (which eatAtea ahe inherited), by Anne, da. of Sir Thomaa Lucas, of Oolcheator. He d. a.p.m.a.(<') 2. and waa bur, 12 April 1680, at Boughton, aged 42, when iJu peerofft became extinei. Funeral oertif . at Coll. of Anna. Hia widow d, at the Palace, in the pariah of Bt Paul'a, Canterbury^*) and waa bur. 17 March 1658, at Boughton. Her will pr. 1658 and 1659. III. 1650, 1. Chablbs-Hbnbt Eibkhoyen, correctly van dbn to Kbbcbbovi, a. and h. of John vaw din Kikcbbovb, UkarwUe 1683. PoLTAMoaa, Lord of Heenvliet in Zealand, by Katharine, sue jure Couanas or CBBsraapnu) (relict of Sir Henir Stahhofb, a^fUd Lord STAHBora) lat de. and ooheir of Thomaa (Wotton), 2d ^aboh Wotton or Marlby, waa 6. in or aoon after 1685. By patent dat. at St Johnatoun [S.], 81 Aug. 1660,(0 be waa cr. BARON WOTTON of Wotton, oo. Kent, being (80 yeara hter) er. Dec. 1680, EARL OF BELLOMONT [I.]. He d. ap., 5 Jan. 1682/^, when off kii konaur$ became eximeL See fuller particulara of him under ** BatLOMONT," Earl- dom [I.], er. 1680 ; ex. 1688. {•) ** OraUtoNi, 1488-1646," in ap. 47th Rep. D. K. Pub. Reoorda! (b) Hia yat. br. of (be half-blood waa the celebrated Sir Henry Wotton, Provoat of Eton College, 1624-89, who d, Dea 1689, aged 71. («) At that date hia a. and h. ap. ia deacribed aa " Uie Hon. Sir Thomaa Wotton " in the pariah reg. of Boughton Malherbe [/^. and Q., 7th S., z, 810]. (A) A aon, Charlea, bap, 7 April 1611, at Pauleapury, d v.p. and a.p. probably in infancy. The 4 daughters and ooheira were Katharine, euojure Oounteaa of Cheater* field, mother (by her 2d huabaud) of Charlea Henry, Baron Wotton ; (2) Heater, living 1680, 8d wife of Baptiat (Noel), 8d Viaoount Campden ; (8) Margajet» nnm. 1680, m. Sir J<dm Tufton ; and (4) Anne, unm. 1680, m. Sir Edward Halea, of Tunatall 00. Kent. (•) See par. rag. of St Paul'a, Canterbury. (f) See ToL T, p. 14, note *« b," eub " Lanadale,*' for a liat of peerages (of which this was the fiitt) created by Charles II. when in exile.