Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/242

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232 APFOTDIX. m 1881, fill I ^9,48Bmnmm Bovfolk; 2M m Ihm M TorUura, mmAAIm K«ii. T^Ud f ,776 fj wf If f AaC — DidXnfjbmk HaD, mbt " tp"^, ool H«tfolk. ANCASTER. U^ ^Atcarhi" Euldom (Heaikeoie-lhwmmomd'WinomgkbyX 28 JUg. 18M ; M* «* Wfuooanr BB KnvT * Bm^ or. 1818» Bwlar tlM SSd •I tkii dvntf. ABDENEKIK BwoBj [L] 7. Sib Johh Boubkb. oikerwite m Bdboo^C*) Ae Jfac I 1 5R0 WiOmmOm^ia'r laawu as " /otancs Mm^mrnBT w O'- BARUM A. Aucn/. ^y ARDBMERIS [I.] m May 1M0>(M vidi nn. to the iMoa mala U hia bodj. Ha waa a. awl k. o< Oliver Boorka. of Tfrawlaff Ardanatia^ at&, eo. Hayo. On 14 Joaa 1570, ha dtfaiiad tkai eovBiy aoinai tlia cacraacbmanta of FiUoo, PrcBidciii of Couiaiiglit, Is 1577 ka vaa Socriff of eou Ifajrov baing, threa yeara aftarvarda, nuMi fa lA« fvayc [LI aa abova atatad. Ha waa Hving 24 Jaoa 1580, bai dl ia that yaar. IL 1580. t. WAiiTBB BouBU, of Hdlecky in Tyrmvly, luuned '^KiUrngk" (laft-handedX a. and lL,ap|Man to hava baea dt jwn BAMCm or Abdbbbbib [I.] Ha ai. {--), da. ol (— ) O'Damu^ of TjroamuA. IIL 15901 S, Thbobald Boubkb, s. and h^ appeBrs to hBTe been to de jmrt Babob of Abdbbiub [I.] By the influaiiea of O'Donnall ha 15961 waadadandthaJr«cirtl/M»'*]nl595»whiahatybbad,bow«v«r, baoB intardietad by Qovannnaot. Aftar gaiiiiiiB a vktorr ovar tha Bbgliih imdar Sir John Nonia, m 1590, ha waa riMwtly aftarwaida dafaaiad and miU^iid, whan all hia hmtomn baeama ftrfaUA. Ha flad t>i Spain and waa ar., by PUKp IL of Spain, Mar^uiBrf ifafo, a djgni^ whiah axpirad an thedaath of hia ioo, Waltar Booiica^ a^pu ABQTLL. f.«., Abotll^" Dukedom (CampheU), cr. 7 April 1892; see [in tMndaX Amtu^ Dukedom [&! ar., 1701, andar tha 8th Duke. ARMSTRONG OF GRAGSIDK Barony. /. Sib WiluauGbobobAbmbtrokg, O.B. waser., 6 July I 1887 ^^^^' BARON ARMSTRONG OF CRAQSIDE, ea Northumbar- laod(*). Ha waa only a. of William Abmbtbohg, Aldeniuui of NawcaaUa-npon-l^ne, bj Anne, da. of William PoRUt, of Walboiile Hall, Northomberland ; waa 6. 26 Nor. 1810 ai Newcaatle a£id. ; waa aometime in practiea aa a Solicitor, boi anbaaqocntly baoama eminent aa an Engineer ; waa mvantor of the hydraulie crane and of the oelebnted Armatrong guna, being knigkUd, aooordit^W, 28 Feb. 1859 ; O.B. 25 Marah 1859 ; Engineer of Rifled Ordnanoa to the War Department, 1858-68 ; Preaident of the Britiah AaM>ciation, 1868 ; and of the Inatitntaon of dvil Engineera, 1882, and thrice Preaident of the Inatitution of Mechanical Engineera ; waa founder of the Elawick Worka and Chairman of that Company ; er. LL.D. of Cambridge, 1862, and D.CL. of Oiford 21 June 1870 and of Durham, 1882 ; Grand Officer of the Order of St Maurice and Lasarua of Italy, 1876 ; Knight Commander of the Dannebrofi of Denmark ; of Charlaa IIL of Spain, and of F^ncia Joaeph of Aoatria. Sheriflf of Northumberland, 1788 ; F.R.S. ; and waa raited to the peerage, 6 July 1887, aa aboveaUted. He m. in (*) Some aooottnt of thia branch of the Bourke family ia in '* Lodge," vol. iv, 288, «ti5 " Mayo." (b) Pat Roll, 21 Bill., No. 1176, p. 2, m. 2 (44), aa quoted in OreaHont, 14831646, in an. 47th Rap. D.K. Pub. Reoorda. (•) Ha waa one of the 8 "Jubilee" fiarona er, that month. Seeliatof them, Tol iL, p. 288, note " a " under " Cheylaamore. "