Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/345

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CORRTORNDA, PTTC., TO VOL. 11. 335 At end of pnge in$ert tu under — CAROILL. ».f., "Cargill" Viscountcy [S.] (Drummotid) cr. 1696 by Jfimm TI, when in exile, with the Dukbdom ok Prrth [S.], which see. p. 146 ; line 16, oftti- ** Dublin," oHti " Will pr. Sep. 1787 "; line 17, o/ler " 1798," ndd '* Ht Slieepy Hull, oo. Wnrwick, havinsc been blind for eeveral jeare. Will pr. Jan. 1709 "; line 20, o^* " Guards/* au^A " He was Got. of co. Dublin ; was in 1795 charged with the pacification of Connanght, and rb Com.-in-ohief took a Tigorons and unrelenting part in suppreming the Irieh rebellion "; line 21, d^t " She d. April 1789 "; line 22, afur " Midx.," add " Will pr. May 1821. His widow d, in Bniton street, 7 April 1831. Will dat. 18 June 1821, pr. U May 1881." p. 147 ; line 1. after "m.," add "s."; line 2, afUr ** extinct," add **Will pr. March 1829 "; after « 1857,*' add " at Brighton, aged 80. Will pr. Feb. 1857." p. 148; line 14, after '^extind,*' add "Will pr. 1725"; lines 19 and 22, /or "AMNBR," read ••Ahriir"; line 24, afUr "Cork," orfrf" Merchant"; line 25, after " Dublin," add " M.P. [I.] for Tuam. 1772 ; for Philipstown, 1774 ; second Serg^at-Law [I.] 1777": line 27, for "1801," read "1801-26, being one of the 28 first so elected**; line 30, afltf "1795," adtl «'at Uxbridge '^ line 85, for "She d." read "of Handley, co. Dorset, by Janet, da. and h. of William Buorlkt, of the isle of St. Kitts. She, 'a lady of considerable fortune, d, in George street, Hanover square'*; after " 1810," tidd " M.l. at Haw- sted, SulTolk "; line 36. after " extinct;* add '* Will pr. March 1826 "; line 89, for "llotheram." read <* Kotherham"; line 41, after "Sussex,** add '*6. in Mr. Bamhnm's house nt Denne end hap. 7 Dec. 1606, at Horsham, Sussex '*; line 44, after *• i» ," add " Aug. 1618 **; last line but one, after " widow.'* add ** who d. 24 Aug. 1674 and was bur. at Sandal Parva"; last Wnc, for " Durhsm," read " York, 19 Oct 1675"; last line but 3 and last line. The notes "a" and '* b," here referred to, are on p. 149. p. 149 ; line 1, after <* Corrkn," add " [I.] "; note(<l), line 12, after " Visoount," add '• [cr. Karl of Limerick, 1685] "; line 18, for " Carthy,** read " Oarty "; line 20, for * 1663,** read " 1661." p. 160; line 10, after " Rnissels," ^^ '*Will pr. 1758." Note (<^) eondvde "See also an article entitled i^eienti/te HUtnry {AtKenmm, 26 Oct 1889), in which the the<iry of ' linnnlf de BHchsard [n>]. Viscount of the Bressin [ftc],' having been * eet up ae an Earl of CaHide ' by Henry I, is disposed of." p. 151 ; line 15, after " He was," odd " s. of Sir James Hat, of Kingask ; was,*' p. 162 ; line 7, after " Col.," add " of*; line B,for " 1620 1," read " 1681/2, at St. B«*net*s Fink, London*'; line 84, for '*Jamacia," read "Jsmaica." Note (b), line 3, for " k," reid " a'* p. 153 ; Hue 5, after " Ac.,** add " s. and h. *'; Une 13, fir " 1688," read " 1688, he aged 19 and she 13 "; line 31, dele " Sometime **; after " York," add •« 1741.** p. 154; line 3. for " 4 Feb.,** read "4 Sep.**; after "afsd.," add "Will pr, Nov. 1825 **; line 5, after " Westm.,*' add " ed, at Eton '*; line 13, after " 1848," add " aged 75, at Castle Howard, and was bur. in the Mausoleum there '*; line 16, after "1858," add *'at Csstle Howard. Will pr. 15 June 1859, under £30,000"; line 26, for "in the Mansoleum there(l>)," read " 13, in the Mauso- leum there.(*>) Will pr. 30 March 1865, under £140,000, resworn June 1868, under £160,000 " ; line 18, after " 1877," add " He d. unm. 29 April 1889, aged 81. XII. 1889. 9. Gborgs Jamto (Howard), Earl of Carlislb, Visoount Howard or Morpbth and Baron Daork of Gillisland [1661], nephew and h., being only s. and h. of the Hon. Charles Wentwbrth George Howard, by Mary Priscilla Harriett, 2d da. and coheir of James (Parrk) Baron Wbnslrtdalr, which Charies (who <f. 11 April 1879, aged 65) was next surv. br. of the late and 5th s. of the 6th Rari. He was b. 12 Aug. 1843 in Park street, Grusvenor square; ed. at Eton and Trin. Coll., Cambridge; was M.P. for East