Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/346

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336 CORBrGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. II. Oumb«rland (LiK int) 1879-85 ; me, to the peerage 29 April 1889. He m. 4 Oct 1864, at Alderley, oo. Cbesteri Rosalind Frances, 6th and yst. aurv. da. of Edward John (Stanlby), 2d Baron Stanley op Aldbrliy, by Henrietta Maria, da. of Henry Augustna (Dilix)n-Lbk 13th Viscodmt Dillon or Costkllo Gallbn [1.]. She waa &. 20Feb. 1845. [CHARLBaJAMES-STANLBT HowARD, styJed (since 1889) ViaoouNT MoRPBTH, 8. and h. ap., b, 8 March 1867 ; ed. at Rugby and at Ball. Coll., Oxford ; B.A. and lat dosi 1809 ; member of the tendon School Biiard 1894. He w. 17 April 1894, at Mnncaeter, co. Yoik, Rhoda Ankaret, Ut (in. of Col. Paget W. L'EbTRANOK, Royal ArUllery.] " p. 155 ; line 8, for ** Lord Dawson, kc." read " Baron Dawson of Dawbons Court"; line 10, for <* Dawson/' read "Dawson's"; line 43, dde *'da." to end of line, and inaert ** lat da. of John Maxwbll, Master <if MnxweU (a. of Robert, 2d Lord Maxwbll [S.]), by Janet, da. of Qeorge (Crichton), Earl op Caithness [S.]." p. 157; lines 9 and 16, dele *'ityUd"; line 80, for Twelve years later," read "ed. at Eton ; matrio. at Oxford (Ex. Coll.) 80 April 1624 ; cr, M.A. 25 May 1627 ; and"; line 26, for "William Molynbux," read "Richard Molynbox, let"; last line, after " 1648," add '* Will pr. 1648. His widow d. (apparently at a great age) shortly before 7 Feb. 1694/5 (Luttrell'a diary of that date). p. 158; line 5, after " Loudon." add " er. M.A. of Oxford 12 April 1648 "; line 10, after "1709." add **at Lindaey House, Westm."; line 39, for "1741," rtad " 1741 (M)/' and add ne »»i4 ttotc " (m) SUted iu Omt, Afaq. (N.S., vol. 39, pt 2, p. 226), to have been bap, 24 Aug. 1741, at Islington, aa the aon of William and Catherine Browne, of that i^riih "; line 47. after " 1811," add "in Tenterden street. Will pr. 1811"; line 48, after "1826/' add *at Petworth. Will pr. March 1826." p. 159; line4,/or "26," rMcf " at St. Geo. Han. Sq., 25"; line 8, after "1818,'* add " at Shooter's Hill, Kent. Will pr. 1813 "; line 9, after ** 1883," add '* in Grosvenor square and whs bur. nt Hurgolere, Hanta "; line 17, after *' 1849/' add " in his 50th year, at Pusey. Ueikti "; line 18, after " Park," add " Will pr. 7 July 1876, under £10,000 "; lino 22, afUr " clasHioH." add " and B.A."; line 28, after

  • ' 1887," add " L-Lieut. of HnuU, 1887-90 "; line 35,/or " uncle," read " grand-

father "; line 37, i^fter "Surrey," add He d., at 43 Portman square, 28 June 1890, aged 59, and was bur, at Highclere. Will pr. at £318,250 gross, but £242.419 net. His widow, who waa b. 29 March 1856, living 1898 "; lines 38 and 39, d*U and ineert a$ under — X. 1890. 6, Gborob Edward STANnops Molynbux (Hbrbbrt), Earl of Carnarvon [17^3] and Baron Porcbkstkr op Hiohclbrr [1780], 1st s. and h., being only s. by Ist wife; b. 26 June 1866, at 66 Grosvenor street ; etyled LoRO Pokohkstkr till 18U0 ; etl at K.tou and at Trin. Coll., Unnibriilge ; 9ue, to the peerage^ as altove, 28 June 1890. L. High Steward of Kewbui^. He wi. 26 June 1895, at St. Margaret's Westm., Alroiua Victoria Maria Alexandra, only da. of Frederick Charles Wombwkll (yr. s. of the 3d Bart), by Marie, formerly Mdlle. Marie Boybr, Spinster." P- 160; line 20, <fe^ " him from"; after *'King," add "from"; at commencement of line 27, inaei-i " a," and at that of line 28, for " t," read " at." Top note, line l,deiefrom "There" to end, and intert "See Vol. ii, p. 397, note(<'), eub Cramond." p. 161: line 21, /or " d, 5," read " was bur. in Bath Abbey 4 "; line 23. for "July," read " 18 July "; line 24, for " July," read " 4 Aug."; line 50, fir " an officer," read " (1798) a Major." p. 162 ; line 4, nfier " 1883," read " at Brighton, aged 37 "; line 7, after "88." read " Will pr. 13 June 1863. under £25,000 "; line 11, afUr " 1853," add"Rt Buahey Park": line 13, for "Haute," read "Hautes"; line 15, jfor "1886," read "1898 "; line 37, after ** Suuvan," add " She d. of diphtheria, 7 May 1889, at Carnwath House, Kulbam, Midx. [RoBBRT HiPPBSLBY Dausbll, Styled Lord Daijzell, Ist a. and L ap., b. 30 Sep. 1877 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Cambridge]."