Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/404

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394 CORRIGKNDA, ETC., TO VOh. HI. 11 Aug. 1700; ad. (1718-H) at Winchwter"; line 2S, n/Ur **6d.," add "at Winchester (1732) and"; line 46, after *'Sbe/' add "who wu bap. 28 June 1778, at Bolaa." Note {^), last line, for '* another divorced," r§ad "one, who like himself, was a divorced party." p. 302; in margin, for "II." and "III.," rnd "III." and "IV." Line 8, for 2nd but," read " 4tb, but 2d by second wife, and "; line 10, for " 1805 ; ed.," reoii " 1804 ; ed. at Eton and "; line 82, for '* She," read " He d. at Biirghley Hou«), 14 July 1805, aged 40. Will pr. at Je74.631 groes, and at (but) £760 net. His widow, who "; after '* 1827," add ** living 1898 "; Hues 83 to 85 </c/e as Car as to " 1877," and ioMtH a» under^ Marquestate V. Barldom. XIII. 4 And IS. Brownlow Hbnrt Giorgb (Cboil), MARQOisa OF ExRiB [1801], Barl op £xktbr [1605] and • 1895 ^^^^^ BoBOBLKY [1571], 1st a. and h., b. 20 Dec. 1849, in Bruton street ; ed. at Eton ; atyl^ Lord Biirohlbt, 1867-95; Capt Qreu. Guards, 1871-77; M.P. fur North Northamptonshire, 1877-95, being sometime a ** Couaer- vaUve Whip"; Groom in Waitiug, 1886-91 ; Vice Cham- berlain of the Household, 1891-92 ; mc to the peerage^ as sbove, 14 July 1895. Between lines 88 and 89, interi

    • [Wiluam-Thomab-Brownlow CiioiL, styled, since 1876, Lord

Bdbohlbt, 8. and h. ap., b. 27 Get 1876]." p. 303 ; line 88, ^fter " 47," add " at Feuillard's hotel, Haymarket, and was bur. at Christow." Note (•), Une 1, for "was in," read "had a "; line 2, after "d.," add "19 July." p. 304; Une 18, after "<i.," add "at Eyrecourt afsd."; line 14, eondttde *' Will pr. 1792, in Prerog. Ct [L]"; line 21, for "and h.," read "of David King, of Warbester Hoy, in Orkney, by Mary, da. of Adam Stbwabt, Carthusian Prior of Perth, which David was yr. s."; line 22, after " 87," add " He was 6. 1598"; line 28, after " Sweden," read ** by whom he was knighted in 1639 "; line 29, for "is said to have been," read "wiis"; after "Baron," add "as Baron Sanshult of Doderhalta in the province of dilinar "; line SO, for " in, or ahortly before," read " 9, and was bur. 18 June 1662, in Uiddnrbolm church(d)/' Add a» taid note " i*^) See N. ds Q., 4th S., xii, 351, for a full account of him." Note (»»), dde "probably." Note («), iiiie 1, /or - 584," read "684." p. 306 ; line 16, for "about," read "at TheoUilds, 30 Jan."; dde "for Borough- bridge, 1640 "; line 17, for " 1641-48," read " 1640-48(bb;;' and imert ae eaid noie "(^) See below in the Corrigenda to vol. iii, p. 810, under 'Falkland,' as to Scotch Peers sitting in the House of Commons"; line 21, for "Tikwiiit," irud "Ttrwhiit"; Hue 28,;of "1612," read "1611/2, and bap. 25." p. 306; Une 2. for " 1649 and," read "1646-58 ; for the West Riding of Yorkshire ; 1654-55, 1659 and 1668('»)"; line 6, after " 1637," add <« at Hackney, Midx. (Uc Lond., he 25 and slie 19) "; line 7, for " William," read " John "; line 16, for "1678-88," rtad "1679, 167981, and 1681C*)"; for "da. of Sir Kobort TOLSTON, of Berwick," read " sister and h. of Sir Robert Bahwick, da. of Sir Robert a of Towlston Hall "; line 21, for " Feb.," read " April "; line 22, for " 1707," read " 1707("«)," and ineert at taid noU " («») See the corrigenda to p. 805, note (»>«>), as above " ; line 28, after * on« of," odd " the "; line 28, fur " Signeur," read " Seigneur"; line 81, after " bur.," add " 1 June "; for " Bnx>mfield," reaif "Bromfteld"; line 81, for "6. 1692 ut Denton," read **bap. 31 Oct. 1692, at Bromdeld." p. 307 ; line 9, for " July 1744," read " 15 July 1749 ": line 23, for " 1757," read "1759"; /or " Jefferson Gary, of Hampton," read "Wilson Gary, of Geelya"; line 85, for " George's, oo." read " George county," ; line 41, conclude *' d. apparently in 1891 "; line 47, for " Watton." read " Walton"; last line, e^fUr " 1574," add *' knighted at York, 17 April 1603." p. 306 ; lines 25 and 26, for " is said to have m.," read "m. before 18 March 1664 (when she was living) "; for " Yat«8," read " Yatb, Bart., of Buokland, Berka. by liary, da. and ooheir of Humphrey Paguboton "; last line but one, after " She," add " who was b, 6 April 1689."