Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/158

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AKRAN. grandfather, whose sole remaining u«sue male he was) became ex. ; while the light to the EARLDOM OK ORMONDE, &c. [I.] devolved op the heir male of the grantee. See " Ormonde," Earl of [I.] His will .Lit. 10 Jan. 1757, pr. with two codicils 17 fa. 1759.(°) III. 1762. 1. 3m Arthur Gore, Bart. [I.], of Castle Gore, co. .Mayo, s. and h. of Sir Arthur Gore, Bart, fr.], of the same, by Elizabeth, 1st da. of Maurice Annkslky of Little Rath, CO. Kildare, tuc. his father 10 Feb. 1741, in which year he was elected M.P. for Donegal, was made i'.O. Mav 1718, and on 15 Aug. 1758 was cr. BARON SAUNDERS of Deeps, co. Wexford, ami VISCOUNT SUDLHY of Castle Gore, co. Mayo [1.] He took his scat in the House IS Oct. 1759. On 12 April 1702 he was cr. KARL OF A UK AN of the Arran islands, co. Galway [I.], and took his seat, as such, 18 of the same month. He »i. 16 March 1730 at St. Mary's, Dublin, Jane, widow of William WORTH of Kathfarnhain, only da. aud h. of Richard Saunders of Saunders Court, co. Wexford She was bap. 20 Dec. 1704 and d. 20 March 1747. He </. 17 April 1773. IV. 1773. l 2. Arthur Sauxt>ers (Gore), Earl of Arran, &c. [I.], s. and h. h. 25 July 1794. M.P. for Donegal and subsequently for co. Wexford. Took his seat in the House 26 April 1 774 P.C. On 8 March 1 783 he was nom. K.P., and was one of the Knights Companions at the , ituhdlatieuoi that order on the 27 following. ( d ) He m. firstly. 24 July 1700, Catharine, only da. of William (Annkslky), 1st Viscount Gi.eiiawi.y [tV by Anne, da. of .Marcus (Bkuksfoiid), 1st Earl of Tyrone [I.] She d. in Dublin 2;) Nov. 1770. He m. .secondly Anne, da. of Rev. Boleyn Knioht of Otley, co. York. She d. 1778. He in. thirdly Jan. 17S1 Elizabeth, da. of Richard UNDERWOOD of Dublin. He (/. 8 Oct. 1809. His widow i. 5 June I82fc(«) Her will pr. June 1829. ( c ) Bishop Burnet's character of him, with Dean Swift's remarks thereon in Unties is «B follows — " of very good sense, though seldom shews it ; of a fair completion, middle stature, towards 40 years old. This is right, but he is the most negligent of hii ou»i affairs." (d) The Irish Oudeu ok ST. PATRICK was instituted by George III on 5 Feb. 1783 consisting of 15 Knights Companions who were then nominated ; but, of these, the Earl of Antrim [I.] desiring to relinquish the stall intended for him (bemg unwilling to resign, as was required of him, the order of the Bath), letters patent were passed nominating the Earl of Arran to be one of the original Knights of St. Patrick in his room. These fifteen original Knights were as under, viz. : — 1. H.R.H. Prince Edward, 4th s. of the King, aftcneards (1799) Duke of Kent and Sthathearx [G.B.], and Eabi of Di Bi.r.v [J.) 2. William Robert (Fitz Gerald), Duke ok Leinster [I.] 3. Henry (Smyth de Burgh), Earl of Ci.anricardk [I.] 4. Thomas (Nugent), Karl ok Westmkatii p.] 5. Murrough (O'Brien), Earl of Inchiqutn [I.) 6. Charles (Moore), Earl of Drooheda [1.] 7. George (de la Poer Beresford), Earl of Tyrone [I.] 8. Richard (Boyle), Earl of Shannon [I.] 9. James (Hamilton), Earl of Cr.AXrsHASsrL [I.] 10. Richard (Colley-Wellesley), Earl of Morninoton [I.] 11. Arthur Saunders (Gore), Earl of Arran [I.] 12. James (Stopford), Earl ok Courtown [I.] 13. James (Coalfield), Earl ok Chaulemont [I.] 14. Thomas (Taylour), Earl ok BkcTivk [I.} 15. Henry (Loftus Earl of Ely [I.] He was out of the Kingdom at the time of the installation (27 March 1783), and died shortly afterwards (3 May 1783) without having been invested or installed. (°) Her second da, Cecilia Lrctitia, widow of Sir George Buggin, by Royal lie. 2 March 1834, took the name of Underwood (being her mother's maiden name), and 10 April 1840 was cr. Duchess of Inverness. She d. s.p. 1 Aug. 1873.