Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/159

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ARRAN — ARTAGH. 137 V. 1809. S. Arthur Saunders (Gore), Earl op Arran, &c. [I.], s. and h. by first wife, b. 20 July 1761. He m. 29 Dec. 1787 Mary, only stirv. da. and h. of Sir John TtRISL, Sth and last Bart, by Mary, only da. aii'l 1(. of TheBUH Cmsvk of Parbold BkU, co. Lancaster. She d. 31 Aug. 1832. Her will pr. Oct. 1832. He rf. s.p. 20 Jan. 1837. 71 1837. 4- Philip Yorke (Gore), Earl of Arran, &c. [L], nephew and h., being a. and h. of Col. the Hon. William John Gore (by Caroline, yak. da. of Sir Thomas Pym, Bart.), which William John was next br", of the whole blood, to the last Earl. He was b. 23 Nov. 1801 at Dublin Castle, lu Aug. 1820 he was appointed Attache 1 to the legation at Stockholm, in Feb. 1825 to the embassy at Paris, and in June lS2fi to that at Lisbon. In Jan. I82S he was Secretary of legation at Buenos Ayres, anil C/ian/e d' affaires there from Oct. 183? to Oct. 1834. On 15 Jan. 183t> he tuC his father, and a year afterwards he sue. to the Peerage as above. K.P. b" May 1841. He m. 1 March 1S38 Elizabeth Marianne, 2nd An. of Gen. Sir William Francis Patrick Nxi'iEii, K.G.B., by Caroline Amelia, 2nd da. uf Gen. the Hon. Henry Edward Fox. He d. 25 June iSSi, in his 83rd year, at 27, Chesham street, Belgrave square, Midx. His widow living 1884. VII. 1884. 5. Arthi-u Saunders "William Charles Fox (Gore), Eaiil of Auiian, VlSCOHMT Si dlkv and Bauox Saunders [I.], s. and li. b. at Bath, Somerset, 6 Jan. 1S39. Attache at Hanover, 18311 ; at Stuttgardt, I860, ,iii<! at Lisbon, 1S61. .Spec. Commissioner of Income tax 1865-84. On 7 Nov. 1884 he obtained a Peerage of the Uuited Kingdom, being er. BARON SUDLEY of Castle Gore, eo. Mayo. He in. 21 Feb. 1885 at St. (Jeo. Han. sq., Edith Elizabeth Henrietta, sister ami, in her issue, sole h. of Robert, 4th EaHL ok RODKN [I.], and da. of Robert JucstYS. styled VisrnrxT, by Frances Hlizabetb, d.i. of Peter Leopold Louis Francis (COWTKB), . r >tlj Eaiil Cowckh. Site was b. 20 Feb. 1845 ami d. at Basle 3 Oct. 1871, aged 26. [Aimiuii Jouelyn Charles Goue, styled Viscount Suolev, only s. and h. ap. b. 14 Sep. 1S68.] PiimSj Estates.— These, in 1883, consisted of about 30,000 acres in co. Mayo, and about 7,000 in co. Donegal. Total about 37,000 of the yearly value of about £10,000 ; exclusive of about 7,000 acres let on perpetual leases, or of fisheries, &c. See B*teBttn'a "Great Landowners." Principal Residence, Castle Gore, co. Mayo. AEEASS. See "MACDONELL AND ARRASS," Baron [S.J, er. }6G0,<u: 1GS0. ARTAGH. See »m FREYNE OF ARTAGH, co. Roscommon," V.-.iron, er. 1839,