Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/17

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TRISH PEERAGE, ETC. XV. Dundalk (Verdau). Dungahvan, Honour of (The Crown), seo account above.

  • Dun(! AitVAN (Talbnt), a Barony n: with the Earldom of Waterford.
  • Duxsanv (Flunkett) [said in " Lib. Hib." to bo by patent 4 March

{i Edw. IV) UlU, the same date tH the patent to Trimleston, act/, ^ucrej. Du.v.stortji ( Jordan ). Krgai.. Theobald tfc Verdon, a Baron of England, Lord of Ergal, patent 1234, by marriage with Margaret, tla, and coheir of Walter tie Lacy, Lord of Meath. The Barony ended in his s. Theobald, who d. s.p. 1309. — " Lib. Hib."

  • Fhkmoy, Viscountcy of (Bttehe). By patent (sed quere) of Edw. IV,

" Lib. Hib," seo lloelie of Fennoy, &c. Fcypo or Pliepo, sec Soryne. Ferrers, see Kildare. Fitz-Anthnny, see Dccies aJid Kerry. Fibi-Eustace, see Dunboync and Portlester. Fitz-Gerald, see Desmond, Kildare and Offaley. Fitt-fohn, sec Delvin. Fitz-Mauriee, see Connelloe, Decies, Desmond, Kerry (bis), Lixnaw, Naas and Ott'aley. Fitz-Robert. -Sir Geoffrey FHz-Rolert dead in 1211. Fih-Stfplim, see Cork. Fitz-Tlmnuw, see Connelloe, Decies, Desmond, Kerry and Offaley. Fleming, see Slane. Fumival, see Loughsewdy. ( iAi.TitiM (Husseij), see statement after Athboy. According to "Iieatson's Political Index," 3rd edition, lSOli, " Sir John, Knt., Baron Galtiim by aumiuona, 1371 ; this title is supposed not be extinct." Geneville, seo Trim. GobMahbTON, co. Meath (>S7. Amand), 1358.

  • ( loiiMANSTox, Viscountcy of (Preston) ; see also Preston of Kells and

Uoruianston. Grace or Gran, which see Gnmdixnn, see Tipperary. Gras [of Courstown and Tullaroan '!]. Almaric Ghw, Baron of Gras, patent (fled qutre) 1385.—" Lib. Hib." Grey, see Wexford. Grm (I j'), see Leveton. Hastings, see "Wexford. Howard, see Carlow.

  • Hovth (Tristram afterwards St. Laurence).

Himey, see Galtrim.

  • Ibawne, see Barry of Olethan, Barryiuore or Buttevant and Ibawne.

Idrone (Carew).