Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/18

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  • Ireland, Dukedom of (<fo Vere), an English Peerage.

Ivecolyen, Sir Robert de Lacy.—" Lib. llib." Jordan of Dunsforth in Ulster (Jordan). Kells (») (Butler), "Lords of Kells;" see also Preston of Gormanston and Kelis. Kerry, Honour of (Fitz- Anthony, Fitz-Tliomas ami Fitz-Mauriee), see above. •Kerry and Lixnaw (Fif::-Manrier). KlLBARROOK, see Rathenny and Kilbarrock. Kimure, Honour of (Ferrer*, 121") ; thVmy, 1254 ; Fite-Tkomas, 1291), Bee account above.

  • Kildare, Earldom of (Miz-ftiortms, Fitz-Gerald, §c, 131G).

Kilkenny, Honour of (de Glare, 1245; Mbnffiermer, 1296; de Clan' again, 1305 ; Dcspcncer, 131-1 ; and Butler), see account above. Killadown, Roger Rochfort, patent unknown. Sir William de Roch- fort was summoned by Edw. Ill to Parliament, 133!', and d. 9 April, 1489 (sic). — " Lib. Hib." KlLLALLON 01- KiLLEEN', which SCO Killeen (Timtr and Qimeh). Geoffrey Cusaek, Lord Of Killeen, patent (sal miere) 12- -, whose h. gen. Genet, da. and h. of Sir Lucas Cusaek, Lord of Killeen, carried this Barony to Sir Christopher Pluuket, [latent (scd mien) before 1482.— "Lib. Hib."

  • Killeen (Plunhit).

Kjijmimiam, Honour of (Kaights of St. John), see account above. KlNGSALE AND CoURCY OP RlXGROXE, CO. Cork (ih' Ooitrcj/). Lacy, see Ivecolyen, Meath and Ulster. La Fon; alias Power, which see Leixsteu, Honour of (de Chirr, 1172, and Mai "hoi, 1207), see account above. Luix or Ossory or Dumas or Dixamase in Ossory, Honour of (B ramie, 1245, Mortimer and Plantagenet), see account above. Leretox, Raymond In @ran, Lord of Lereton, patent (sed quere) 1175. — " Lib. Hib." Limerick, Honour of (Brno*/), see account above. Lixnaw, is. Kerry and Lix.vaw {FHr.manria-), see Kerry. (•) " As to the Lordship of Kells, the possession of it by the Protons [Lords Gorman- ston] appears to be very difficult to reconcile with the Holts, and they could not have inherited it from Walter de Birmingham, to whom it was granted (about 13.10) only for life. In the Roll, 23 Edw. Ill (1351-52) appears a grant to James, Earl of Ormond, of Iveulys in Ossory, which had been granted to Walter de Birmingham for his life ; and by Lodge's Peerage it appears that the Viscounts of Mountgarrett, the descendants of this James. Earl of Ormond, were in his right styled Loims ow Kt'.LLs until the last century."— See "Remarks upon the Ancient Baronage of Ireland" (Dublin, 1829), p. 137. The Prestons however were Lords of .Parliament from the reign of ltich. II, (having in 13fi.'i acquired by purchase from the family of St. Anuuid, the Lordship of Gormanston), and as such their precedency over the Lords Slano was acknowledged by the Parliament, 38 Hen. VI, cap. 6.— Sec also " Lynch," p. 159, 184 and 199.