Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/19

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IRISH PEERAGE, ETC. Xvii. Looghsewdy (Verdon, 1308, and Eurnival), John de Verdon, Lord of Loughsewdy patent (sed querc), 1308.—" Lib. Hib." Loundrcs (de) see Athboy, Xaas, Kathdown and Trimleston. Louth, Lord of, Kalph, Earl of En, patent {sed quere) 1364. — "Lib. Hib."

  • Loutii, Earldom of VBirmiSagham), 1319. Patent exemplified at Kil-

kenny 1 Nov. 157. r ..-"Lib. Hib." Lovdl, see Marshall. Malahtde (Talbot). Marisco, i.& Mountmorris, which see. Marshal of Ireland. John Marshal, nephew to William, Earl of Pembroke, title Lord Marshal of Ikkland, patent {sed quere) 1207. Hod. 1235. Hawise, his h. gen. earned thin Honour to her husband Robert de Morley, Lord Marshall of IRELAND, patent 1317, in which family it continued till 1412, when the honours of that family passed to the family of Lovtl, and thence in 1489 to Parker, anil fell into abeyance 1U86.— ■' Lib. Hib." Martial, see Leinster and Marshal. Meatu, Honour of (de Lacy, 1172), see account above. Misset, see Delvin. Monchensi, sec Wexford. Monthermer, see Kilkenny. Monte Mabisco, i.e., Mountmorris, which see. Morley, see Marshal. Morris, see Montmorris. Mortimer, see Cotmaught, Leix, Trim and Ulster. Mowbray, see Carlow. Mountmorius or Monte Marisoo. John de Morris or de Marisco, Lord of Monte Marisco or Mountmorris, patent (sed mure) Hen. II, ex. 1491.— "Lib. Hib." MULLIN'GAR (Petit). Xaas, co. Kildare. William Fitzinaarice, Lord of Xaas, whose da. and h. Emma )«. David dc Londres, in her right Lord of Naas, from which family it descended in moieties (through coheirs) to Preston and Barncwall Xavan (Dangle, or de Angido), see statement after Athboy. NOBRAGHMOBB (Oal/ov Cctlvus), see statement after Athboy. Nugent (bis), see Delvin. O'CoNNELLOE, O'GoNNELL Or ( I'KoNAYL, i.e. CoNNELLOE, which See.

  • Offaley or Ophaley (FUzmaurice, Fitz-Thomas, Fitz-Gerald, Sec).

U'Kethy (Rochfort), see "Lynch," p. 223.

  • Olethan, i.e. Barry of Oletiian, &c, which see. William Eit/-Philip

Barry, Lord of Olethan, &c, patent (sed quire), Woodstock, 8 Nov. 1208 10 John — " Lib. Hib."

  • Ophaley, i.e. Offaley, which see.

Ormonde, Earldom of (Butler), 132K Oshory, i.e.. Leix, which see. C