Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/20

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xviii. IRISH PEERAGE, ETC. Parker, see Marshall. Percival, Robert tie Perciml, patent (mi quere) 1285, ex. 1322. — "Lib. Hib." Petit (le), see Dvmboyne ami Mullingar. Phepoe or Feypo, see Scryne. Plantagenet, see Carlow, Connaught (bis), Cork, Leix, Trim and Ulster (bis). Plunb'tt, see Puns;tny, Killeen and Eathregan. Poolcastle, co. Cork (Roche).

  • Portlester (Fitz-Eustace or Eustace), 1461.
  • Power or La Poer (Power or La Poer), a Barony which (by the decision

of 1767) was held to have been cr. by writ 1375. Power or La Poer, of Curraghmore (Power or La Poer). [Said in " Lib. Hib." to have had a patent (1452), 30 Hen. VI, sal quere if not 1535 ?]. Power ( a ) or La Poer of Doxiiill (Power or La Poer). See statement after Athboy. Power, see Power and "Water-ford.

  • Prestox ( b ) of Kells and Gormauston (Preston).

Preston, see Carbeiy, Gormanston, Haas and Preston. Rathdown (de Lmtndret and Barnewatl). Rathexxy and Kilbarrock, co. Dublin. John th Gourey, natural son of John, Earl of Ulster, murdered 1208. Rathregax (Plunkett).

  • Rathwire (Daniel).
  • Ratowth (Sold).

Riieban, co. Kildare. Sir RicliMd de SI. Michael, whose da. Rose m. Thomas, Lord Offaley. Ridleford, see Bray and Castledermot.

  • Rixgroxe, ■/.«., Courcy of Rixgroxe, co. Cork (de Courcy),see Kingaale.
  • Rociie of Fermoy (Ruche). According to " Beatson's Political Index,"

edit. 1800, "George Roche was created by Hen. Ill in 1 243 Baron Roche of Fermoy una Coslea." (*) Though the successive Lords of the House of Desmond and Offaley, and the more potent magnates, seldom or ever appear with the Word J)ominus or Hum prefixed to their names, "some of the feudal lords are frequently styled Domiium ct Iluro in the public records, particularly that branch of the PoWBU family resident at DoMiitx, who (like the two families of Greystock and Stafford in England) in almost all writs of summons and other instruments have the additional title of Euro attached to their other appellations." — See " Lynch," p. 230. ( b ) See page xvi,_Note {").