Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/21

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mrsH PEER A , ih Burgh, 1264, Pluntwjemt, 1351, Mortimer, 1368, and I'lantayem't, 14'25). (") Peter Fitz-Jamea de Birmingham sat in the Parliament of 1295, being there designated as OP Thktmov ; to distinguish him from his cousin, Peter Fitz-Meiler de Birmingham of Atheury, who is placed next above him, they being seventh ami eighth ou the list. The sis sbove them were the Earl of Ulster, Qenevil, Fiti-Thumas. Kim Maurice, Butler ami Ver.lun, all apparently of Peerage rank, while many below (there are said to have been twenty-nine in all), e.t/., Puree!, Cogar., Pipard, L'linfant,* Stanton, Cade], &c , appear to have been but commoners. An account of the descent of the dignity ofThetmoyis in " Remarks upon the Ancient Baronage of Ireland [Dublin 1829], pp. 135-137.

  • Sir Walter L'EufautUad his fine fur uun-attcndaui e -,t the Parliament of 1374

remitted, as not lawful to be levied on one who never Wo* " tenens per liaronitm," C