Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/180

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158 AltUNDELL. IV. 1G91. 4. Tiiomas (Arundell), Baron Arundell of Wardour, s. and b. He Hi. Margaret, widow of Robert Lucik (if Charlecote, co. Warwick, and da. of Thomas SpKSCBB of Ufton in that CO. He d. 1712 and was bur. at Tisbury. V. 1712. ~>. IlEXKY (AriUNHKl.l.), liAIiON ArUN'PELL Oh'WARDOUR, s. and h. He hi. {iifltr 10 April 1(501 and before Oct. 1691) Elizabeth, sister of Lt. Geo. Thomas Panton (living 1785) and da. of Col. Thomas Pantos of St. Martin's in the fields, Midx.. a large proprietor in that parish (beingthe " celebrated Gamester who d. 1(3S1 ), by Dorothy his wife. She d. 9 and was bur. 11 May 1700 at St, James' Westm. He (/. 20 April 1720. Admon. 18 June 1720. VI. 172G. G. Henry. (Arundem.), Barox Aruxdbll op Wardour, s. WDft h. b. 4 Oct, 101M. He m. firstly Eleanora Elizabeth, da, and bu of Raymond Evf.uard, of co. Tipperary, and of Liege, a Baron of the Holy Roman Empire. She d. at Wardour Castle 22 May 1728 in her 39th year, and was bur. at Tisbury. M.I. He m. secondly Anne, da. of William (HERBERT), 2nd Marquess, ok PoWJS, by Mary, da. anil coheir of Sir Thmiias Preston, Bart. He d. at Richmond, Surrey, 29 June 1710, and was bur. at Tisbury. Will, to., pr. July 1740. His widow d. s.p., at Salisbury, 2 Oct, 1757 and was also bur. at Tisbury. Will dat. 17 March 1757, pr. 2 Nov. following. VH. 174G. 7. Henry (Arundell), Baron Arundell of Warpolii, s. and li., by first wife, b. 1 Oct 1717. He m. 27 Jan. 1739, Mary, yst. da. and coheir [eventually sole heir] of Richard Arusdem.-Bki.ingO 1 ) of Lanherne, co. Cornwall, by Anne, da. of Joseph Gage. He d. 12 Sep. 1750, in his 38th year, and was bur. at Tisbury. M.I. Will, &c, dat. 10th May 1739, anil 27 Feb. 1754, pr. 20 Jan. 1757, by Mary, the relict and universal legatee. His widow ((. 27 Feb. 17011, and was bur. at Tisbury. VIII. I75G. 8. Henry (Arundell), Baron Arundell of "Wardour, only s. and h., b. 31 March, and bap. 11 April 1740. In 1709 he sue. to his mother's Cornish property at Lanherne. He rebuilt the Castle at Wanlour. He ?«., 31 May 1763, Maria Christiana, only da. and h. of Benedict Conquest of Irnham Hall, co. Lincoln, by Mary Ursula, da. of Thomas Markha.m, of Ollorton, Notts. He (/. s.p.m. 4 Dee. 1S08. Will pr. July ISO'.'. His widow </. June 1S13. Will or. Sep. 1813. IX. 1808. 9. James Everard (Arundell), Baron Arundell op Wardour, cousin and h. male, being eldest surv. s. aud li. of the Hon. James Everard A. (by Anne, da. and h. of John Wyndham of Asheombu, Wilts), who was 3rd s. of Henry, 0th Lord. He was b. 4 March 1703. He sue. his father in 1S03, five years before he sue. to the Peerage. He hi., firstly, 3 Feb. 1785, Mary Christiana, 1st da. and coheir of (his paternal uncle) Henry (AJtUSDEIX), 8th Loud Arundell ok Wahdoiih, by Maria Christiana abovenamed. She, who was b. at Wanlour Castle 10 Aug. 1704, ,/. 14 Feb. 1805. He m. secondly, 18 Sep. 1800, Mary, 3rd da. of Robert Burnett Jones of Ades, Sussex, sometime Attorney-Gen. at Barbados. Heii. 14 July 1817. Will pr. Feb. 1818. His widow d. IS Nov. 1853. X. 1817. 10. Jambs Everard (Arundell), Baron Arundell of WaRDDTJR, s. and h. by the first wife, b. 3 Nov. 1735. He B. 20 Feb. 1811, Mary Anne, only da. of Ueorge (NuGKNT-TKMi'LK-fiiiENVii.LK), 1st Marquess ok Buckingham, by Mary Elizabeth, 1st da. and coheir of Robert (Nugent), 1st Earl Nugent [I]. He d. s.p. 21 June 1834. His widow d. 1 June 1845. ( !l ) See Cunningham's " London " (1850), under " Panton street." ( b ) He was s. of Sir Richard Beling, by Frances, da. and coheir of Sir John Arundell of Lanherne, co. Cornwall. By this marriage the two branches of the Arundell family, separated above two centuries, were united.