Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/181

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ARUNDELL. 159 XI. 1834. 11. Henry Benedict (Arundell), Barox Arundell op WaRDOOR, br. (of the whole blood) and b. li. 12 Nov. 1804. He was the only Roman Catholic Peer who. in 1832, voted against the Reform Bill. Horn, firstly 8 Aug. 1826, Lucy, only child of Hugh l'hiliji Smythk, of Acton Burnell, Salop, by Lucy, 2nd da. of Edward SoLYABDR of Hawley Park, Suffolk. She d. s.p. March 182". He m. secondly 22 Sep. 1829, Frances Catharine, 2nd da. of Sir Henry Joseph Tichbobnk. Sth Bart, by Anne, 4th da. of Sir Thomas Buukk, Bart., of Marble Hill. She d. 19 April 1S36. He m. thirdly 10 June 1838, Theresa, 5th da. of 'William (Stourton), 17th Loud Sti'iimiton, by Catharine, da. of Thomas Wui.d of Luhvorth, Dorset. Ho d. 19 Oct. 1362. His widow d. 20 Oct. 1878 at North Court House, Abingdon, Berks. < XII. 1862. 12. John Francis (Arundell), Baron Arundell of Wardodr, a Count of the Holy Roman Empire, s. and 1l by second wife, 4. 2S Dec. 1S31 at Wardour Castle. Ed. at Stonyhnrst Coll., Lancashire. Ho m. U Oct, 1862 Anno Lucy. da. of John Eiirikgton of High Warden, North- umberland, by his first wife Autie Mary, 3rd da. of Vincent Henry Evue of Highfield, ea. Derby. Family Eftatet, — These, in 1883, besides 182 acres in Cornwall, worth £120 a year (said to have been in the family since 12 Kd. I), consisted of about 6,000 acres in Wilts, worth about .£9,000 a year. Total, 6,219 acres, of the yearly value of £9,174. See Bateuism's " Great Landowners." Principal Residence. Wardour Castle, near Tisbury, Wilts. ARUNDELL Of TRERICE. Barons. J. Richard Aruxdell of Trerice, eo. Cornwall, and I 2 6G4. ^"' ln °* t ' le salne (many years M.P. for Cornwall), by Mary, da. of George Cahy of Clovelly, Devon, was M.P. for Lostwithiel, and, a Col. iu the King's army. Having fought for his King at the battle of Kineton and been despoiled of nearly all his estate* by the Pari, he was, in reward for liis own and his father's loyalty (whom he had mc in 1656) »., 23 March 1864, BATtOS ARUNDELL OF TRERICE, eo. Cornwall. He in. Gertrude, widow of (his friend and companion in arms) Sir Nicholas Slanxino, of Bickley. Governor of Pen- (lcnnis Castle (who d. of his wounds at the taking of Bristol, 1643, aged 25), and da. of Sir James Baode of Saltram, Devon, by Grace, da. of John FOBTBSOTH of Filleigh. He was bur. 10 Oct, 16S7 at St. James Westm. Admon. 26 June 1688, and again 23 Aug. 1692. His widow who was aged 6 in 1620 was bur. there 28 Nov. 1691. II. 1688. 8. John (Aruxdell), Baron Aruxdell op Trerice, only surv. s. and h. bap. 1 Sep. 1649C') at Richmond, Surrey, and named in lus grandfather's will, dat. 14 June 1654. He hi. firstly Margaret,, in, or before, 1677, only da. of Sir John Aci.axd of Collimb John, Devon (by Margaret, da. of Dennis ItoiXEof Stevenstoue in that co.), sister and h. of Sir Arthur A. who d. a minor in W% She d. 16 March 1691 and was bur. at Nowlyn. M.I. He m. secondly Barbara, widow of Sir Richard MatTLEVSBBR, da. of Sir Thomas SuNGsny, 2nd o«rt. [S.], by Dorothy, da. and coheir of George GuadiX'K. He was bur. 23 June ( ) This John (as also his four sous, of whom two lost their lives in the Royal service) Wis most zealous in the cause of Charles I. His gallant defence of Pendennis Castle, of

Inch ho was Governor, is well known. It was, however, surrendered on 31 Aug. 1646. 

•"i'il Clarendon's account thereof is as follows—" This Castle was defended by the Ooveraor thereof, John Arundel of Trerice in Cornwall, an old Gentleman, of near mr-score of *&> ,uul " ! One of the best estates and interest in that County, who, st t i r'- tlWCe ° ! W * Slm ' llicll!lr(1 Arundel (who was then a Col. iu the Army, a Ami c,lu gent officer, and was by the King, after his return, made a Baron, Loud U i if '" ^ IiElut ' E > i" memory of his father's service and his own eminent behaviour ftaSr 9 ■ wal ') "I'-iutained and defended the same to the last extremity." If! 1 ] , , ' uf Ridliir<1 Arundell Esq & )"> Lady Slannell l*ic) his wife." The burial, a. oftL ] r i "l.f ek }f!', bl '- l,f this J " lin " also n 'S- «* Richmond as "John Arundell,