Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/183

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ASH BROOK — ASHBURNHAM. 161 rf. 24 March 1S1Q. Adnwn. July 1812. He m. secondly, 22 June 1812, by spec, li'-., Emily Tlicophila, rattier of Charles Fheopbilus, Lonu Metcalfe, 1st da. of Sir Thomas Theuphilua Metcalfe, 1st Hart,, by Susannah Sclina Sophia, da. of John Dehdxnaike. Hed, 1 -May IS 17. tBa widow was b. 16 June 1790 in Portland Place, Maryloboue. Y. 1847. 5, Hknky (Wai.keh, afartmrifo Flower), Viscount AsmmooK, &c [I.], s. and h. by 1st wife, 4. 17 June and Imp. 5 July 1806, ceg. at ( lid Windsor, Berks. By royal lie. 23 Nov. 1827 he took the name of Walker only ; and hv a subsequent one. 15 July IS 17, resumed the name of Flower only. Claim to Peerage allowed 15 July 1847. Tie m. 7 June 1S2S, at St. Geo. Han. Sq„ Frances, 9th da. of Rev. Sir John' UomxsoN, 1st Hart, of Rokfiby Hall, eo. Louth, by Mary Anne, da. of James Sl'E.WElt of Rathangan. He (/. 3 Aug. 1871. His widow is now (18S5) living. YI. 1871. <>■ Hknky Jkitkky (Flower), Viscount zisiiBR i, [I.], sometime (1829-17) IIk.nky Jkiteuy Walkeii. s. and h. I>. 2ij March 1829. Ensign 52nd Foot, 1848. Retired 1S53. Dep. Lieut, of Queen's county. Sheriff 1858. Claim to 1'eerige allowed 3 May 1872. He m. 4 Sep. 1860 at Leamington, o>. Warwick, Emily, 1st da. of John Frederick AiuxcDoX of Esher, Surrey. She was divorced, by decree nisi, 28 Feb. lS77.( a ) He d. s.p.s., 14 Dec. 1882, at Castle-Durrow. VII. 1882. Wnmm Spencer (Flower), Viscount Ashiskook (1751) and Bahon Castle-Dcuhow (1733) [I.], sometime (183U-47) William Spencer Walker, br. and h. b. 23 March 1830. Ed. at Eton and at Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. 1851. Sometime an officer in the 52ud Foot, He 111.25 Juno 1881, Augusta Madeline Henrietta, 1st da. of George Mahton of Capernwray Hall, co. Lancaster, by Lucy Sarah, da. of Ut Hon. Sir Robert Dallas, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Fleas. Family Estates. — These, in 1S83, consisted of about 23,000 acres, nr., about, 9,300 in co. Kilkenny, 7,700 in Kind's County, 4,600 in Queen County, 860 in co. Limerick and aOO in Dublin. Total 23,050 acres of the yearly value of £13.911. See Hatemau's " Great Landowners." Principal Residence, Castle DluTOW, co. Kilkenny. Barons, j. John Ashiiurnham of Ashburnhmn, Sussex, s. and h. I. 1089 " f ^'ll'ain A. by Elizabeth, da. of John (Tollett), 1st Loud Poi lett, which William was s. and h. ap. of John A. of Ashburnham (Groom of the Bedchamber to Charles I,( c ) and well known for his loyalty to that lung), b. 15 Jan. 1655-6 at Chiswick, Midx., sue. his father 1665, sue. his grandfather 15 June 1671, and, was, on 20 May 16S9, a: BARON ASHBURNHAM of Ashburnham, co. Sussex. On 19 Oct. 1702, he was made Custos Rotulorum of co. Brecon. He m. 22 July 1677 at Westtn. Abbey, Bridget, da. and h. of Walter Vaughan; 1 ') of Forthhommel House, co. Brecon. He d. at his house in Southampton (") The cause was the Lady's cn'm. con. with Capt, Hugh Sydney Baillie. ( b ) This is one of the twelve families given in Druuiniond's "Noble British Families." See p. 77, note "a." The common account [writes a correspondent] of the descent of this family given uy Fuller and others is mythical. The true descent is probably from Crio], to which name belongs the oldest quartering. Hence also the name Bertram." ( c ) It seems remarkable that this John Ashburnham who had done so much for the House of Stuart, should not have been raised to a 1'eerage of the highest rank im- mediately after the Restoration of that House, while his grandson (whose chief claim to distinction appears to have been that he leas such grandson) should have been er. a Baron by the very King who had driven the House of Stuart to banishment, H Walter was s. and h. of Sir Charles Vaughan by Frances, da. of Sir Robert Kuollys. A pedigree of him is given in Jones' " Brecknockshire," Vol. ii, p. 341, but the name of his wife (about whom there seems some mystery) is not, stated therein.