Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/184

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162 ASHBURNUAM. Street, Bloomsbury, 21 Jan. 1709-10, and was bur. at Ashburnham 1 Feb. Will pr, Feb. 1710. His widow d. 12 .May 1719 in her 59th year, and on the 19th wig bur. at Ashburnham. Her will dat. 12 Sep. 1717, pr. 22 May 1719. II. 1709-10. AVii-uaji (Asuuuhniiam), Uauux AsiinuitNiiAM, s. and h., 0. 21 and bap. 22 May 1679 at St. Martins in the fields ; reg. sit Ashburnhaui. He m. Catharine, da. anil at length sole h. of Thomas Taylou of Clapham. Beds, by Ursula his wife.!' 1 ) He </. s.p. Hi June, 1710, aged 81, and big widow d. 11 July following, aged 23 ye:irs, 10 nionths and 14 days. Both bur. at Asb- buruhaua. His will pis July 1710. The admon. of his widow granted, 26 July 1710, to her mother Ursula Taylor, widow. III. 1710. -J. John (Ashuurnham), Baron AmiBunsHAM, hr. and h. Earls l "' p - 13 M: "' eh 16S "' :lt St " Mar S ,lret ' s ' Westm. M.P. for Hastings 1710. Made Cob of the 1st troop of Horse Guards by Queen Anna From I. 1730. Hec. 172S to June 1731 he was Gent, of the Bedchamber to the Prince Of Wales. On U May 1730 he was or. VISCOUNT ST. ASAPH of the Principality of Wales and EARL OF ASHBURNHAM. On 23 Nov. 1731 he was made Capt. of the Yeomen of the Guard.C 1 ) He m. firstly 21 Oct. 1710, Mary, da. of James (BlTLKli), 2nd Dike OF Ormonde, by his 2nd wife Mary, da. of Henry (Somerset), 1st Di ke of Beaufort. She (/. tk, 2 Jan. 1712, in her 23rd year and was bur. at Ashburnham. He m. secondly. 2-1 July 1714, Henrietta Maria, Doff, Countess of Anglesey, 1st da. and coheir of William Richard George (Stanley), 9th Earl of Deiiby, by Elizabeth, da of Thomas BuTLEit, stylal Earl of OssOBY. Shed s.p.m., 26 June 1718, iu her 31st year, and was bur. at Ashburnham. Admon. 20 July 1718 to her husband. He »i. thirdly Jemina, 2nd da. and coheir of Henry (DE Ghey), 1st Dl'ke ok Kent, by his first wife Jemina, da. and coheir of Thomas (Crewe), 2nd Lord Crewe of Stene. She d. 7 July 1731, in her 33rd year and wasim-. at Ashburn- ham. He d. in his house in St. James' Sip, Westm., 10 March 1736-7, in his 49th year and was bur. at Ashburnham. Will pr. March 1737. II. .'/. Joats (Ashbwknham), Eakl of Ashburxha.m, „„,,„. I « &c, only s. and h. by third wife, b. 30 Oct. 1724. One of the oaions. , itab i. L()rt i s uf the Bedchamber to Geo. II. Keeper of Hyde Park IV. I and of St. James' Park, 1753 to 1762. First Lord of the Bedchamber and Groom of the Stole, 1775. He m. 2S Juno 1756, Elizabeth, da. and coheir of John Chowlky of Barking, Suffolk (who was only s. and h. of Sir Ambrose CltOWLEY, Alderman of London), by Thoodosia,( c ) da. of the Rev. Joseph Gascoyne, D.D., Rector of Enfield, Midx. She d. at Bath 5 Feb. 17S1, aged 53. He d. 8 April 1812. Will pr. June 1812. Both were bur. at Ashburnham. ( d ) ( il ) Among the sixteen " delinquents " of co. Bedford, whose estates were " decimated in 1655, the amount (£90) levied on " Richard Taylor of Clopliaui Esq." was only exceeded by two others, viz. Conquest of Houghton Conquest (£120) and Leigh of Leighton Buzzard (£135). See " Tbnrloe state papers," vol. iv, p. 513. The property of Clapham (more anciently Cloplutm) passed (by sale, or entail) to the family of Ashburnham, by whom it is still held, the Manor House having long been used as a farm. The ped. of Taylor is recorded in the Visit, of Beds, 1634. () In 1730 he sold to the Crown the long lease of "Ashburnham House " in Little Dean's Yard, Westminster, which had been built for his ancestor by Inigo Jones, iu>d which, as to internal structure, the graceful staircase, &c, is reckoned one of the finest of his works. Part of the house was shortly afterwards (23 Oct. 1731) destroyed by fire with nearly a fourth part of the celebrated Cottom'nn MS. then deposited therein. (*) Through this Lady the estate of Barking iu Suffolk came to the family of Ashburnham, her mother, Anne, being da. and h. of Sir Francis Theobald of Barking, by Ann, da. of Robert Nic.htinoale. This Theodosia Crowley survived all her children and d. 17 May 1782, aged 89, when Barking devolved on her grandson, George Ashburnham, afterwards the 5th Earl. ( ll ) For them apparently (the arms' of Ashburnham, with those of Crowley ui pretence, being on the screen in front) was built Ashburnham House in Dover street, Midx, one of the few old Patrician mansions still (1885) remaining iu the Metropolis.