Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/185

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ASHBURNHA.M. 163 [Gbobob Ashburjtham, styled VISCOUNT ST. ASAPH, s. and k ap. 4. 2 Fell. 175S mid d. the iStb insfc ami wna bur. at Ashburnham.] Earls. III. Barons. V. S-181: 5. George (Ashbubnhaji), Earl of AsHBURKHAjr, ftc, 2nd but 1st surv. s. and h. b. 25 Dec. 1760 and bap. 2'J Jan. following at St. Gi?o. Han. Bk|., the King, the Duke of Newcastle, and the Princess Dow. of Wales, being sponsors. He was sum. by writ, 23 March 1803, v.].., in Ins father's Barony, a- LORD ASH- BUHNHAM. F.S.A., G.O.H., 1S27 and KG-. 10 June 1825). He at. firstly, 2S Aug. 1781, Sophia, 3rd da. of Thomas (Thyxxe), 1st HaRQUBSS OF Rath, by Elizabeth Cavendish, da. of William (Bkxtixck), 1st Dtkk BF Poim.ANl). She was b. 19 Dec. 17(53 and d. 9 April 1791. He m. secondly 25 July 1795. Charlotte, 1st da. of Algernon (Pbucy), 1st E.vnL of Bi:vekley, by Isabella Susanna, 2nd da. of Peter BmutKi.t. of Bwkenham, Kent. Hcd. 27 Oct. 1830.(») His widow, who was b. 3 June 177(5, <l. 2(5 Nov. 1SI52 in Eaton sip, Midx., in her S7th year. [(iK.rn.jB AsitisuRNiiAM, rtnlwl VISCOUNT ST. ASAPH, a and h ap. by first wife, b. 9 Oct. 17S5. M.P. for New Roniney 1807-12, for Weobly, 1S12-13 He d. unm., v.])., 7 June 1813.) Earls. IY. Barons. VI. ')'. r.KRTRAM (AsUUURNHAM), EARL OF ASHRURSHAM, &c, 1st surv. s. and 1l by second wife, b. 23 Nov. 1797. He m. S - 1 830 !in - '840, Katherine Charlotte, sister to George, 10th Haul OF IIaoiiinutox [S.], da. of George B.UI.LIK of Jcrviswood, by Mary, da. of Sir James PuiN.a.B, Bart He (/. 22 June 1S7S at Ash- buruluun and was b ur. there. ( b ) His widow, who was b. 10 May 1819, is now (1SS5) living. ( :l ) By him was edited a well known book entitled " A Narrative by John Ashbnrn- ham of his Attendance on King Charles the First, etc. 7*0 which is prefixed a Vindication of his Character and Conduct, from the Misrepresentations of Lord Clarendon, by his lineal Iksecmlunt and present Reprcscnttitive." 2 vols. Svo., London : 1830. ( b ) He was the Collector of an extensive library of early and rare books, both English and Foreign, and of a vast assemblage of MSS. It comprised four divisions — viz, (I) the Lnmi collection, purchased in 1848, containing numerous ancient codices, illuminated MSS., works of mediaeval literature, literary and scientific correspondence, &c. (II) The Barrois collection, rich in old French poetry and romances. (Ill) The Stowe collection, purchased, at the sale of the Duke of Buckingham's effects, in 1849, containing many early charters, monastic registers, state papers and antiquarian gatherings concerning England [including the MSS. of the well known Thomas Astle, Keeper of the llecords], as well as many valuable Irish MSS. (D7) A portion known as the APPENDIX, comprising Lord Ashburnham's miscellaneous collections. These four portions, containing nearly 4000 MSS., were, in 18S3, offered to Govern- ment for £160,000. The French Government, however, claiming between 160 and i,'o °* ^ e ^S. in the Libri and Barrois collections as having been stolen (which MSS. were valued at .£24,000), the trustees of the British Museum recommended (17 March, 1883) the purchase of the remainder at £136,000, but the Treasury declined the proposal. £x inform. H. Gough. Finally, however, in July 1883, the Government purchased the Stowe collection (winch in 1849 were sold for £8000) for £45,(100, presenting the English portion to the British Museum, and the Irish (on loan) to the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin ; while ui May 1884, the Italian Government bought for £23,000, for the Laurenrian library the larger portion of the Libri collection (the whole of which, some 1923 had, in 1846, been sold for £8000), as also the Dante MSS. (some dozen or so) rrom the "Appendix " ; while the Barrois collection, some 704 MSS. (which had been onerecl in 1848 to the British Museum for £6000), and the " Appendix " (except as above stated), were returned to Lord Ashburnham. A. very full account o£ the contents of the whole of the Asliburuham MSS will be icuucl m the 8th lteport of the Historical MSS. Commission. Appendix. Part 3.