Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/186

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164 ASHBURNH AM— A SIIBURTON. T, BERTRAM (AsHISURNHAM), EaRL OK AsniililiNIlAM 1878 U730>, Viscoun-t St. As.rn (1730) and Baroh Ashbursbak (16S3), s. and h, 4. 2S Oct. 1S40 at Ashburnham Place, Sussex Eil. at Wcstui. school. D.L. for Breconshire. Family Estates. — These, in 18S3, consisted of about, 1-1,000 ogres in Sussex, 3,100 in Suffolk, 5,7<i0 in Carmarthen, and 1,400 in CO. Brecon. Total about 24,500 acres, worth about £24,000 a year. See Batuman's " Great Landowners." Princi/ial Jiesidcnccs, Ashburnham Place, near Battle, Sussex ; and Barking Hall, near Ipswich, Suffolk. V. Barons. VII. ASIIBI'RTOX. Barons. J. John Dunning, 2nd but only srrrv. s. and h. of I 178' 1 John D. of Ashburton, Devon (who (I. there 1 Dee. 1780, aged 80), ' liy Agues, da. of Henry JtJDSBAU of Oldport, in Modbury, in that co., was b. 18 Oct. 1731, at Ashburton. He WW a Barrister (being one of the most popular Pleaders of his time), Recorder of Bristol, Solieitor-Geu. (17G7-1770), and M.P. for Calne (1708-1782). Through the influence of Lord Shelburne (thea in power) lie was a: on S April 1782, BARON ASHBUKTON of Asliburtoii, co. Devon. In July following he was made Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. P.C. He m. 31 March 1780 at St, Leonard's, near Exeter, Devon, Elizabeth, only da. of John Bahino of Larkbeare, near Exeter, merchant, by Elizuljeth, da. of John Vowleh of Bellair, Devon. He d. 18 Aug. 1783, aged 52, " just as he bn<] attained the fond object of his ambition." {"■) Bur. at Ashburton. Will pr. Sen. 1783. His widow, who was b. at Larkbeare 21 July 1744, il. 23 March 1809. Will pr. March 1809. II. 1783, J. Richard Barke (Dunning), Baron Ashbtoton, only to surv. s. and h., b. 17 Sep. 17S2. He m. 17 Sep. 1805, Anne, ds. of 1823. William Cu.nninoham of Lainshaw. He d. s.p. Feb. 1823 at Friar'is Hall, co. Roxburgh, when the title became extinct.!}') Will pr. May 1823. His widow, who is said to have possessed a fortune of jt'200,000( c ), resided at Edinburgh. III. 1835. 1. Alexander Baring, 2nd s. of Sir Francis B., Bart, by Harriet, da. of William Hkiuuno of Croydon, Surrey [which Sir Francis was br. of Elizabeth, wife of John (Dunnino), 1st Lord Asliburlon above- named], was b. 27 Oct. 1774, was a merchant in London, M.P. for Taunton, 1806-26 ; for CalUngton, 1826-31 ; forThetford, 1831-32 ; and for North Essex, 1832-35. Master of the Mint and President of the Board of Trade 1834-35 ; P.C, D.C.L., and a Trustee of the British Museum. On 10 April 1835 he was cr. BARON ASHBURTON of Ashburton, co. Devon. Ambassador to America) 1842. He m. 23 Aug. 1793 Anno Louisa, 1st da. of William Bjnuham of Philadelphia, a Senator of the U.S.A. Herf. 12 May 1848, and his widow d. 5 Dec. following. IV. 1848. 2. William Bingham (Baring), Baron ASBBDBTOS, b. and h. 6. June 1799. M.P. for Thetford, 1826-30 ; for Callingtai, 1830-31 ; for Winchester, 1832-37 ; for North Staffordshire, 1837-41 ; and for Thetford, 1841-48. President of the Board of Control, 1841-45 ; Paymaster Gen. of the Forces (°) Brydgcs' Biographical Peerage. See a refutation of what in Campbell's life of Lord Chancellor Charles Yorke is (erroneously) called " one of the host specimens of Thinning' t eloquence " in " N. aud Q.," 2nd s., v, 121 . ('>) He was author of a valuable work entitled " Genealogiod Memoirs of the Royal House of France," with copious tabular pedigrees. London. 1825, large 4to., pp. 200. (") See " N. aud Q.," 2nd s., vi, 151.