Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/192

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170 ASTON -ATHENRY VIII? 1763. S. Walter Astox,(0 styling himself Lonn Aston of Forfar [S.], cousin and h., being & and h. of Edward A. (by Anne, da. of ThaDMtB Bxvlev of Stafford), who was only br. to Philip, 6 th Lord. He was 6. 10 Oct. 1732. His vote at the election of Scotch Representative Peers was objected to in 1763, on the grounds of the Peerage of Aston not being on tlie Union roll. In 176!', however, George HI granted him a pension on the Scotch establishment under the name of " Walter, Lord Aston, Baron nf Forfar.":*) Ho hi. 2S May 1766 at Hampstead, Midx.. Anne, da. of Peter Hitchixson of Gales, eo. York. " He </. 20 July 1805 in his 73rd year and was bin: in Grosvenor Chapel, St. Geo. Hun. Sii. Will pr. Feb. 1806. IX. 180- 9, Rev. WALTER Ilrreiuxsox AsTox,( r ) styling hiin- to self Loud Aston of Forfar [S.]. 1st and only surv. s. and h. I). 15 1S1? Sep. 176i> and hop. at St Geo. Han. Sq. Matric. at Oxford. Ch. Ch., 13 June 17S9 as "the son of a Baron." B.A. 17!'3. M.A 17i>6. After officiating at Cavershani, Berks., and at T.unwortli, co. Warwick, he became Vicar of Tardebigg. co. Worcester, 1821. J.P. for co. Worcester. In Feb. 1816 he presented a petition to the Crown, claiming the Barony of Aston of Forfar [S.] He hi. 14 June ISO:! at St Mary's, Notting- ham, Elizabeth, da. of Kev. Xathan Haines, D.D., by Susan, sister of Sir John Cucni.r.iGH. 6th li-.wt, aud da. of George OlutcUeigh of CUaluiiugfcm, Dorset. She £1833. Hed s.p. 21Jan. 1845.; h i Both Jar. »fc Tardebigg. [.Vote. — It is most likely that a male h. exists of the first peer, who would next br. to Sir John Aston, the first of Tixall, who d. 1523. See " Hewlett," p. 28.] ASTOX-CLIXTOX. Sec " LAKE of Delhi awl Imitwty, i»i<l ASTOX-CLIXTOX, co. Bucks." Baron it. 1804 : Viscount cr. 1807 ; Kith r.r. 1848. See li AMESBURY of Kiiuburv-Ainpsluiry and Barton Court, co. Reds,, and ASTON HALL, eo. Flint." Baron cr. 1832, cr. 1S32. See " DAEXLEY OF ATHBOY, eo. Meaih." Viscount [L] cr. 1722 : Earl [I.] rr. 1725. the p tt mi tr Barony [I.] is undoubted, and his been acknowledged in almost every Pari, during its existence. Its possessor in 14SS> was ranked .ft'rs* of the nine Irish Barons, who ; together with six Peers of higher grade were sum. by Henry VII fflj See page 169. note" f." jS) On 5 Dee. 177S he had a patent of arms at the Lyon office, on delivering up thereto a patent [not recorded) granted bv Brodie, Lyon, bo Philip, Lord Aston.— £r inform. R. K. Stodart, Lyon Clerk Depute. See anecdotes of thus Peer and his ancestors in " X. and Q.," 3rd s., viii. 120, &c. [•) See also Preface, p. xii. ASTOX HALL. ATIUiOY.O