Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/204

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182 ATHOLE. from 11 March (1381-2) 15 Ed. II to 2 Dee. (1326), 20 Ed. II, the writ being directed to him as " David, Cum. Athui," whereby he, apparently, acquired an English Barony (LORD STRABOLGI) though nut an English Earldom, in fee.( b ) He m. Joan, sister and' coheir of John Comyn, Lord of Badeuoch, da. of John C'omyn, by Joan, sister aad coheir of Aylmer (de Valk.ncu), Eaul ok Pemuhoke. By her he obtained vast estates in divers counties. He d. 1326-7. XIII. 1326-7. 12. David (de Strabolgi), Kakl op Athole [S.? ot(«) E. !], also Loud [E.], s. and h., was aged 19 in 132(1-7, but next year had livery of his lands. He was sum. to rail. [E] 25 Jan. (1320-301 4 Ed. "ill, to 21 July (1334), S Ed. Ill, the writ being directed to him as " Ihritl, Cum. Atlwl. In 1332 he accompanied Balliol into Scotland and was at the victory over the Scots, 12 Aug., at Dupplin, after which he was restored by Balliol to his title [S.jaud estates. He, however, rebelled in 1334, but was pardoned at the treaty of peace IS Aug. 1335. He »i. Catharine, da. of Henry (ue Bkaimost ; , Haul OK BuCB.yst [S.1 by Alice, 1st da and coheir of Alexander (Comvn), 4th E.uu. ok Biciun [SJ He was ilaiii at the siege of Kildrummy Castle, 30 Nov. 1335, in his -JSth year Hid widow defended the blockade of Lochiudorb Castle from Nov. 1335 to Aug. 1356. XIV. 1335 1J. David (ue Stiiaiiolgi), Earl of Athole [S. ] oif) to E. '/], also Loud Stuaboloi f E.], only s. and h. He was three yaara old in 1375. 1335. In 1355 he accompanied the Black Prince into Fiance. He was sum. to Pari. 20 Jan. (1305-1!), 30 Ed. Ill, to o April (1369), 43 Ed, 111, the writ being directed to him (as it had been to his father and grandfather) u " David, Cum. Atliul." He m. Catharine, or Elizabeth, da. of Henry (I-'kbueus), 2nd Loud Eeuueus of Groby, by Isabel, da. and coheir of Theobald (Vkudos), 2nd Loud Vkudo.n. He d. s.p.m. 10 Oct. 1375, aged 43, when the, Bauony ok Stiia- BOLoi mud any right to an Earldom of Angus as far as created by the Eiu/li/lt Writ of Summons in 1321) fell into «'<(</«««•,() while the Scutch Evui.Uum ok AnuL's (excepting only as far as acknowledged by the English icriU of summons) hail been inure than sixty years forfeited. His widow d. a few days after him, vi:. 22 Oct. 1375, and was bar. at Ashford, Kent. M.I. ( u ) He, his son and grandson continued to be so sum. till 136% "They must, however [writes Mr. Courthope], be considered as having been sum. as liarons, though by the appellation of a Scotch Earldom. Edward de Baliol, King of Scotland, was sum. in 1348 as an English Baron though the writ was addressed Maijiiijico Principi Reiji Seotia ; Henry, Lord Bourchier. was also sum. by his Norman title of Earl of Ewe (1435), 13 Hen. VI." See " Courthope," p. 34. See also p. 92 of this work, note " i," to the case of " Anuus." ( c ) As in the somewhat similar case of ANOVS, the real fact appears to have been that the Earldom was a Scutch Dignity and was forfeited, according to the view of the Scotch King ; but was extant according t<i the view of the King of England. ( u ) "His daughters Elizabeth ami PhiJimia were his heirs ; Elizabeth, b. Ash-Wed- nesday 1361, m. lstly, Sir Thomas Percy, and 2ndly, Sir John Scrope; and Philippe was lstly the wife of Sir Ralph Percy, who d, a.p. (br. of the afsd. Sir Thomiis Percy), and 2ndly of Sir John Halsham ; the issue of Sir John lialsham by the said Philippa failed in his sou Sir Hugh Halsham, who (/. s.p. 1441, and the representation of the Barony vested in the two daughters and coheirs of Sir Henry Percy of Athol, s. and h. of Elizabeth de Strabolgi by her 1st husband, Sir Thomas Percy, viz. (1) Elizabeth, aged 20, 14415, ///. lstly Sir Thomas Burgh, father of Thomas, 1st Baron Burgh, KG. Bobqh), and 2ndly Sir William Lucy, and (2) Margery, M, latij Henry, Lord Grey of Codnor, by whom she had no issue, and 2udly, Sir Richard Vere, between whose descendants and representatives this Barony is in abeyance. See "Courthope," p. 451. See also notice of a deed, shewing this coheirship, hi " N. and Q.," 4th a., xii, 37S, Ax-. The. estate of Davington Court, Kent, of which the last Earl d. possessed in 1375 passed to the family of Halsham. See Nichols' " Herald and Genealogist," vol. ii, p. 139.